Early Summer 2020
- 13
Late Spring 2020
- 3
Early Autumn 2018
- 12
Early Autumn 2017
- 4
Late Summer 2017
- 7

Salvia 'Hot Lips' syn. Salvia x jamensis 'Hot Lips', Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips'
Early Summer 2020
Late Spring 2020
Early Autumn 2018

Kissy kissy #hotlips looking good ready for night out on the town mwah 💋💄

@debrascott yes in late July Hun so this is the 2nd flush the one I didn't prune is all white though! 😄

Mines all red and it needs chopping back..



@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom i will cut this back by a third once it's finished Hun 😘 if it's never had any white in it it might be royal bumble variety that's all red I have that too 😄

@ShelleySnyder 💋💋😘😘

@rachelbrooks 😘😘

Love my hot lips. ( the plant that is). Makes me smile when I see it in the garden.

@ginny201 it's great how it changes over season and still keeps giving 😄

What a great plant!! I put that one on my wishlist I’ll see if we have that here?!?! Very pretty pretty 👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin great plants if you can find one 😄
Early Autumn 2017

Think my poor hot lips is feeling the cold now her smackers no longer have her lippy on 💘👄😘

🤣🤣🤣 mines the same Keely 💋💋

Mine has been like that all summer. Just a few red lips 👄

Late Summer 2017

Hot lips #secondflush strutting her stuff 💋💋💋

I love this variety! ❤️💋💄💋❤️

@AlisaJ me too 😄

Me too. It just flowers for months❤☺@Keely

Love it. Keely you have such beautiful flowers 🤗

@purplebird thank you Michelle 😆

@emeraldt it does Tricia 😄
Morning peeps someone has stolen my hot lips liner 😵 😂 Day 2 of another 11hr shift coming up thank gawd its Friday 😊 Have a good day hope any storms if they come don't damage your gardens 😄
Morning Keely 🙋♀️
Ermagerd! She’s naked! 🤭
@rachelbrooks dint u know no blinking beauticians open there's a pandemic out there that's why 😂😂😂
@pelly mawning or maybe its afternoon oh I don't know what it is 😴😴😴
It doesn't seem to matter much at the moment 😂😂😂
I do bloody know! Don’t they know I need me nails doing?! 💅🏼😤😉
I was chatting to a gardener recently who said that this is due to temperature.
@houseofflowers it is Catherine have quite a few salvias in garden they do well in borders and pots this ones in a pot 😊
That’s good to know Keely as I have taken a few cuttings of these hardier varieties recently. I can’t seem to grow the tender ones with all my slugs!
Oooh white lips. They'll develop and go super red 👄👄
@midnightgardener it started red Chris with lockdown n no beauticians it gave up 😂😂😂