x Heucherella 'Alabama Sunrise'
Foamy Bells 'Alabama Sunrise'
Late Spring 2017
- 2
Late Winter 2017
- 20

x Heucherella 'Alabama Sunrise'
Late Spring 2017
Late Winter 2017

Is that a cutting you have taken Keely? It looks very healthy. 😊😊 @Keely

I want to get a couple of the trailing ones for my raised bed Keely, they are lovely these plants. Looks like you have quite a selection, going to look fab 😊

@jaynehynesburton ordered these last October but ran out of stock it was a lucky dip so wasn't sure what would come, luckily haven't got any of them already 😄 As my big established ones have gone in border wanted some babies to bring on for pots. Trailing ones will be lovely in a basket 😍 still got loads on wish list too 😂😂😂

@pelly no Jane they were posti plugs from T n M ordered last October but stock ran out so just come lucky dip. I do need to try some cuttings of my established ones though need to do a bit of bedtime reading up on how to 😄👍

Where do you get yours from Keely 😊

@jaynehynesburton as a rule got alot from EBay and Aldi last year but these were from T n M just cos they were on offer at £6 with free delivery at the time 😄

That was a good buy. Will be having a look around 😊

I saw that T&M offer and was very tempted! Wish I'd taken it up now as it looks like you got a good selection!

I've only got one at the moment, but would like more. That was a good deal Keely. 😊😊

@jaynehynesburton plantagogo do alot of nice ones not sure how much delivery cost is with theirs maybe @lovemygarden65 Marilyn will know as I know she buys from there. Alot on my wish list will have to come from there as not seen them anywhere else 👍😃

Thanks Keely I will have a look at plantagogo see what they have 😊

Great buy Keely. 👍. I only have one too Jane @pelly but will be getting more this year. It seems to get pushed to the bottom of my wishlist all the time 🙄😊
Another pot #heuchera #bidens #osteospermum 🌺🌺🌺
like it 🌟🌟