Schlumbergera truncata
Zygocactus,Thanksgiving Cactus
Early Autumn 2022
- 3
Mid Autumn 2021
- 7
Early Autumn 2021
- 1
Early Autumn 2021
- 6
Late Winter 2021
- 6
Late Winter 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 3
Late Winter 2021
- 1
Early Winter 2021
- 3
Early Winter 2021
- 1
Early Winter 2021
- 44

Schlumbergera truncata
Early Autumn 2022
Mid Autumn 2021

See the purple flower on that one in the back.

@heatherdirtyhands @KariSamuel look at this.

@jacaranda mine is blooming like crazy.

It's that time of year huh? Are all the ones u got last year still alive?

These r . And the other one and the bigger one. @heatherdirtyhands

@saguaro I have this sitting on the floor.

@KariSamuel look here how these did in the tin bucket.
Early Autumn 2021

Early Autumn 2021
Late Winter 2021


I didn't want to hijack Elaine's post... Why wouldn't you want to get the vaccine to protect yourself or others that you love? Just wondering. You are only the 2nd person I know who is refusing the option of a life saving vaccine.

My parents is refusing the vaccine to. @KariSamuel

Right. But WHY?!?

We know some friends of ours has been getting sick from the second dose of the vaccine. @KariSamuel

Yes, the second dose is making people feel cruddy. Too many of my client's are on the front lines, are elderly or have health issues, so I'm getting it for them! I wouldn't want to think that I could infect one of them! I have had 3 people i know personally, die of Covid though.... 💔
Late Winter 2021

Late Winter 2021

Late Winter 2021

Late Winter 2021

Late Winter 2021


I know you love these and they seem very happy. Soon they will bloom just for you!!!!☺️🤗🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin they r really happy after I transplanted them into miracle grow potting soil.
Late Winter 2021

Early Winter 2021
Early Winter 2021

#newupdate @KariSamuel
Early Winter 2021

Just replanted 4 of mine yesterday in this tin bucket what I got from my graduation present from grandkids what they painted their hands on the bucket. @docthrill

The bigger one was getting root bound in the pot what it was in till yesterday. @docthrill and I just used the regular miracle grow potting soil.

@heatherdirtyhands look here what I did yesterday

Does it have drainage holes? Also Not exactly sure how deep the pot is but it looks awfully big for those little plants. They have such dainty fine roots u know wouldnt want them to get root rot from that miracle grow soil holding water too long. Wouldn't want your pretty plants that u love so much to die. What do u think @docthrill @dirtgirlworld

@heatherdirtyhands we just transplanted the 4 of them. And we have not watered it yet.

Or maybe u have a false bottom like u added something to raise them up? If not that is something u can do if u really wanna use that pot. Also do u have grandkids? U said it was a gift from grandkids. Where did u graduate from?

@heatherdirtyhands I graduated from Richland community College in decatur illinois.

@heatherdirtyhands we put soil in the bottom first then we sat them on the top of the soil and we put soil around them last.

Oh I thought u graduated awhile ago....anyway does it have drainage holes? Did u add any perlite?

I just hope the pot isn't too big can u take a pic from the side please? If not it's ok I just know how much u live them. Just trying to help

@heatherdirtyhands the miracle grow potting soil has perlite and fertilizer pellets already that is in the soil.

I know that but its still an awful lot of pot and dirt for those type of plants. The pot looks really deep. @KariSamuel sorry to bother u but do u see what im saying? Do u agree or have advice? Maybe explain bettet than me
Putting out buds already @KariSamuel and @docthrill
@hkyfvr look here buds already
Wow. That is great Kelsey. 😄