Mid Winter 2021
Mid Winter 2021

I moved it in the bathroom last night

Can u take a picture in better light. I wanted to help id it but in this light it looks fake lol. Open the curtains and take a picture from the side so its in natural light like u did the turtles that time

Air ferns are not considered live plants, but the exoskeleton of a sea animal. @heatherdirtyhands Pending Confirmation encyclopedia entries can not be identified by any other user.

Huh? Are u saying that u agree that the plant is or looks fake? I also thought it looked like something from a fish tank. I'm confused tho as to what u tagged me about? @usgardentags is it an air fern? I didn't try to identify it....just wanted her to take a clearer photo so I could see what it was

Sorry! We thought you wanted to attempt to identify it, according to your comment above? We were simply stating that air ferns are not considered live plants, therefore the encyclopedia entry that was made is pending confirmation. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused! @heatherdirtyhands

I just never even knew it was even an air fern...was having trouble seeing it that is why I wanted to have her take a clearer picture! No mention of an air fern and no idea what one is to begin with. All the comments are gone now too except the one where I tagged u. I didn't say anything wrong. @usgardentags

Also the pending confirmation thing makes people curious as to what it was identified as in the first place maybe it should say the name and then pending @usgardentags

@heatherdirtyhands We agree that it would be beneficial if air fern was still available for other users to see! On behalf of @usgardentags, no previous comments were removed on this or previous posts. Let's address this to @teamgardentags to explain the pending confirmation. It is the first time that I personally have seen it used on any encyclopedia entry! Thank you for your comments, be do appreciate your input!

I don't really think it should be able to be labeled air fern since its not a plant. I just meant if it's says pending we should see what the person identified it as. I dont think it needs to be in the encyclopedia u know. Anyway seeing the other post makes more sense now @usgardentags
Early Winter 2021

Just got this air fern today at prairie gardens in champaign illinois for 12.99

@txgardener have u seen something like this before.

Not in person. Thanks 4 sharing 👍

@txgardener now u have seen one.

It’s very pretty. I love that deep green color!

I agree. I love the dark green foliage. It looks so pretty I hope it gets huge it’ll be so pretty. It’s already pretty but imagine as it grows!!!!!👍🏻😊💕

I think it's cool, it doesn't need soil or water to grow. Very Cool 😎

@txgardener would u mist it.

What I've read u don't have to. They absorb the water in the air. That's how the survive. @txgardener here is what I got.

I think if u live in a dry climate I would recommend misting. Like u suggested. If ur home humidity is greater then 50 percent I don't think u would need to mist. Sounds like it would thrive in the bathroom/shower (with window). Looks like a fun plant to have. Good luck with ur new Addition Kelsey Actually they are animals and not plants!
@heatherdirtyhands here is a better picture of it.
Still really hard to see because it's back lit. U have to have the light facing on the plant or a flash. Otherwise it just looks like a silhouette. Try opening the curtains and going from the side facing the plant towards the room so the natural light hits it
#Asparagusfern plumosa
@hannahchristine it is a air plant not a asparagusfern at all.
@kelsey92 could hv fooled me lol maybe an air fern looks just like it sertularia argentea not a plant at all but an animal crazy cool
Wow, it looks aquatic! Super cool find!