Acer Palmatum 'Ukigumo'
Japanese Maple 'Ukigumo'
Late Spring 2023
- 25
Early Summer 2022
- 14
Late Spring 2022
- 11
Mid Spring 2022
- 20
Early Summer 2021
- 18
Late Spring 2021
- 14
Late Spring 2021
- 21
Late Spring 2021
- 20
Mid Spring 2021
- 11
Mid Spring 2021
- 22
Late Spring 2020
- 15
Late Spring 2020
- 13
Mid Spring 2020
- 15
Mid Spring 2020
- 13
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Late Summer 2019
- 4
Early Summer 2019
- 8
Early Summer 2019
- 10
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Spring 2019
- 21
Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Mid Spring 2019
- 10
Mid Spring 2019
- 6
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 0
Mid Spring 2018
- 0
Mid Spring 2018
- 0

Acer Palmatum 'Ukigumo'
Late Spring 2023
Early Summer 2022

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo #foliagefriday

All so pretty 🤩

Lovely 🥰

Fantastic foliage. Such pretty colours. 😍😍

Love it…..💗🤍

Beautiful 🤩

Incredibly beautiful! 💘😍

Fabulous 😍

Now this is fantastic 😻

@sharonhayden @gjones @vegandmore @hkyfvr @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @juliesgarden @ShelleySnyder @jeatacake @rainbowgardener thank you all 😃 my favourite acer 😍 mostly because it’s the only one I’ve managed to keep alive 🤣

Very welcome!💘😍

Always welcome Kerry. 😍
Late Spring 2022

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo #foliagefriday

Very pretty colours. 😍😍

I love this one ….😘

Love love love this! 💘😍

@hkyfvr @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @ShelleySnyder @KOutdoors thank you ladies ☺️ the only acer I’ve ever been successful with, but that’s fine by me 😛

Very welcome. Great one to have success with. 👍👍

@KOutdoors I thought they were too 😜 I keep this in a shady area so the sun doesn’t get to it but the wind wrecks it most years. Think that’s the extreme heat in summer killed off my others 😔

If that was the only one I could have I'd be happy too!💘😍

@KOutdoors and frustrating too 😜😂

@ShelleySnyder still wouldn’t mind a few more that would stay alive though 🤭

Yeah, you really can't have to many acers! 💘😍
Mid Spring 2022

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo #foliagefriday

So lovely! I'm allowed to add one Acer this year 🤔😋

Beautiful colours. 😍

Such a beauty Kerry!💘😍

Love this one, it's so lovely 🤍💗🤍

@ublaszko only one 😦 you must choose wisely then 😛

@hkyfvr @ShelleySnyder @pelly thank you ladies 😀 even at this stage it’s so pretty. Like lots of tiny white birds decorating the branches 🕊

@KOutdoors thanks Karen ☺️ they’re so intricate & feathery up close 😍 course you can 😛 it’s Cuprinol Ducksback, Forest Green. Makes a great backdrop to most plants 💚

🤣🤣 I would like to have the green one with very thin leaves. I don't know the name though.

As far as I'm concerned with Acer it's a win win win win !!!! 😂💘😍

@ublaszko I think Marco on here has one like that. Then you’ll have a whole range of colours 😍

@ShelleySnyder couldn’t agree more 😛
Early Summer 2021

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo #foliagefriday

Pretty one I like that 👍🏼

Wow lovely colour

So pretty 😍

Lovely color.

Gorgeousness! My white cloud is barely white this year, first time ever! I hope it's not a sign to come!💘😍

Beautiful Kerry 😍

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😀

@vegandmore thanks Christine 😃

@italydiva thanks Angela 😄

@kelsey92 thanks Kelsey 😁

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley ☺️ oh no 😧 any idea why?? It usually looks incredible 🤍☁️
Late Spring 2021

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo

It gets better and better 😍😍😍

Love these. So gorgeous 🌸💚🤍

So different from any other acers I see 🤩

@pelly thanks Jane 😀 best it’s ever looked, like many things this year

@gjones thank you Katy 😃 it’s a ball of brightness

@hkyfvr thanks Diane 😄 the colours and markings are so pretty

@alan1111 it’s a little beauty 🤍💗💚 tiny though, maybe 3’ at most 😅

After a few years it'll be a big beauty 😂

@alan1111 I hope so 🤞🏻 that’s if it lives long enough. Squirrels have decided to repeatedly dig in the pot and are wrecking the roots on a daily basis 🤬

Some wire mesh might help

@alan1111 I’ll have to get a bit of chicken wire from my neighbour before I lose my mind cleaning up after them, cats and birds. I swear they’re out to get me!!! 😂
Late Spring 2021

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo #foliagefriday

Next year's choice 😉 I bought 'Pheonix' this year 😍

@ublaszko I just googled Phoenix, what a great choice! 😍

Thanks! It's gorgeous 🤩 @kez001uk

This is gorgeous Kerry, makes me think of my white cloud, 💘😍

Wow that’s lovely

@ShelleySnyder I was told by someone today that Ukigumo means “floating clouds”. Googled it and that’s the alternate name for this. Wonder if your White Cloud is actually the same 🧐

@vegandmore thanks Christine 😁 it is looking so pretty at the moment. The wind usually turns it into a crispy mess so am glad it is a bit late coming into leaf this year 🙏🏻

Oh wow! It could be! So we probably have the same one!💘😍

Beautiful Acer 💚💚

@ShelleySnyder mine has some catching up to do now! 😉😂

@midnightgardener thanks Chris ☺️
Late Spring 2021

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo #foliagefriday

Beautiful 💚. Interesting foliage colour 🥰

@LisaCollection thanks Lisa 😊 it’s so detailed, like lace 😍

@MyrtusGuy82 thank you Giacomo ☺️ like a big fluffy cloud ☁️

Just beautiful 💞💞💞


Another unusual beauty you got there 👌

Amazing foliage 😍😍


Love it. Going on my wish list

@pelly thanks Jane 😁

@emch thank you Eileen 😄
Mid Spring 2021

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo #foliagefriday

Coolness; what #interestingfoliage

Very unusual 🌼🌼🌼💕💕

@emch it looks like it’s covered on spiders webs once the leaves open properly. It’s very different 😛

@midnightgardener it really is but has the prettiest colours and patterns when the leaves open properly 🤍💗💚

@kez001uk this looks like another outstanding match with your "White Feather" hosta. Maybe you need a Garden of Wraiths...

@emch I do like your planting combinations! I’m terrible at matching up plants but a little ghoul garden could be interesting 😛

It looks almost unreal and does look like lots of white bird's feathers!

@jeatacake feathery is a perfect description 😍 might be what the bird shag smashed my greenhouse window left behind 😡😅

No wonder they crashed into the greenhouse if that's what they were doing while flying! ☺☺☺

@jeatacake 😂🤣😂🙈 how ‘that’ autocorrected for ‘shag’ I have no idea 😆😆😆
Mid Spring 2021

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo #foliagefriday

Wow! Looks great against the seagreen paint! 😍😍☺️

Oh my goodness, that is absolutely stunning Kerry 💗💗💗

So pretty against this wall


What delicate foliage! 😍

Great colors😍

@ublaszko thanks Urszula 😀 that’s the guinea pig winter residence 😉😅

@pelly thanks Jane 😃

@laneygarden thank you Laney 😄

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😁

@jacaranda thanks Barbara ☺️
Late Spring 2020

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo #foliagefriday

Love that the stems are red 😍😍

So very fabulous!💘😍

I need this plant in my life!!!

@ublaszko and they’re bright pink on the new growth 😛 it’s such a colourful one 😍

@gjones it never gets boring to look at 💚💗🤍

@ShelleySnyder I agree, it’s so eye catching 😍🤩

@TexasTanya you do! 😛 it’s so full of interest and fantastic colours from the minute the leaves start to emerge 😋

So cute. I think my tricolour acer has pink new foliage but the stems are green.

@ublaszko reminded me of the Coral Bark one 😍😍😍

I'm going to check if the secret garden club has any acer offers as my housewarming gift 😉😉 @kez001uk

@ublaszko I was looking on there earlier and can’t believe the prices 😯 seen how good the plants look when people post them on here but didn’t expect they’d be so inexpensive! Hope you can find an acer on there 😛
Late Spring 2020

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo

That’s beautiful

Absolutely love it...💗

That’s just beautiful 💕

Simply stunning Kerry!💘😍

@Mary200631 thank you Mary 😀

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😃

@italydiva thanks Angela 😄

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😁 it’s getting better every year 😋

@gjones it’s so pretty up close. Great colours too 💚💗🤍

They have a tendency to do that!💘😍

Oo so nice! I love this! 💕💚💕
Mid Spring 2020

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo

Gorgeous 😍😍😍

This has such pretty foliage 💚💖💚

Fab detail

Simply beautiful!💘😍

Just love these leaves 👍

That’s a very pretty one Kerry...

@ublaszko thanks Urszula 😀

@pelly the colours are so lovely, just looks so cobwebby are times 😱

@solly1961 thank you Mark 😃

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😄

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😁
Mid Spring 2020

#acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo

Lovely colours Kerry 😍💖💚

Beautiful 💚💞🤍💞💚


This is just magical 😍

@pelly thanks Jane 😊 this one gets better and better 😍

@cyndi thank you Cyndi 😃

@lovemygarden65 thank you Marilyn 😄

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley 😁

@jeatacake thank you Jeff ☺️

My pleasure!💘😍

Such a busy photo lots of colours in it
Mid Spring 2020
Late Summer 2019


@ShelleySnyder it’s such an interesting one to look at. Every leaf is different 💗💚

Oh yes! Very very interesting!💘😍

Early Summer 2019

Ooooohhhhweeee!!! Be still my beating heart 💓💓💓 ooooooh I do love this one!💘😍

Beautiful 💕

@ShelleySnyder I’m with you 😛 the colours just get better and better 😍 no idea how to prune it so I’m hoping in a couple of years it’ll look like the beautiful one you posted earlier 😋🤞🏻

@debs69 thank you Debra ☺️ one of my favourites 😍

Just trim to your liking, if you like the way it's growing naturally then leave it otherwise trim as you want!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I like rules like that, anything goes 😛 thank you lovely 😘

Very welcome!💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy 😁 it’s such an interesting looking one 💗💚
Early Summer 2019


Beautiful 💚💗💚

Beautiful colours 😍

Stunning Kerry!💘😍

@lovemygarden65 thanks Marilyn 😁

@gardengirlla thank you Maggie 😃

@jeatacake thank you Jeff 😀

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley 😄

@gjones it looks like 2 completely different plants 😜 the colours are just gorgeous at every stage 😍

Very welcome!💘😍
Early Summer 2019


Love it!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder there’s so much variety on one plant, fascinating little trees 😍

Very welcome!💘😍
Mid Spring 2019


Love love love this!!💘😍

That’s a nice one....was looking at them yesterday in GC and they’ve grafted three different kinds on to one root so you get different coloured foliage....I don’t think I like them I think they’ll look friend bought one 😏😕

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley, me too. At least now anyway. Last year I thought the feathery leaves were that way because they’d been attacked by bugs 🙈😳😂🤣

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank you 😛 oh that sounds unusual! Never seen one like it but would be interesting to see how it turns out 🤔

I'm in love with Maple's! There is just so many colors and heights and shapes! You can never go wrong with one!💘😍

Love this 👍

This variety is so striking! Amazing!

@ShelleySnyder you have some beauties! They’re a plant you could just fill a garden with and never get bored of 😍

Boy are you right about that! 😊💘😍

@lovemygarden65 it’s a lovely one, little different 😁

@ublaszko the colours in it are so pretty. Love the pink & green 💗💚
Mid Spring 2019

Mid Spring 2019

Ooooooh!! I love this!💘😍

Wow Kerry! This is amazing 😲 Such beautiful leaves 👌

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😀

@gjones thank you Katy 😃 it’s much more white this year too, which it’s supposed to be. Apparently it changes every year too, different degrees of white/green/pink

@jeatacake thank you Jeff 😄 it’s really lovely up close. Will take some photos when the sun comes out next 🤣

@LyndaClack thank you Lynda 😁 it’s a little different 😛

Might have to wait a while for that! 😀

@jeatacake I think you could be right 🤣

Welcome Kerry!💘😍

@gjones it was like that this year. Love watching it go from twigs to full of foliage 😛
Mid Spring 2019

Looking beautiful already 😍

@jeatacake can’t beat watching an acer wake up after winter 😍

I agree. Saw an amazing one on Saturday in a Chinese garden at Biddulph Grange which was very like a giant version of yours 👌🍁

@jeatacake they’re just the prettiest. Really want a coral bark one though ❤️

You may need to find that online. You'd be lucky to see one at a GC I reckon 🤔

@jeatacake I think you’re right. They mostly just have the standard red ones around here 😜
Early Spring 2019

Ooooooh!! Looks like it's going to gorgeous!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I hope so 🤞🏻 the foliage suffered so much in the heat last year but seems a little happier in a bit of shade

Late Summer 2018
Late Summer 2018

@gjones it changes so much on this tree. I’m never sure if it’s dying off or it’s supposed to be that way 😂

@gjones I love that name! I had no idea it was called that 😍 it does help, thank you 😁 I’d just moved it into part shade because I hadn’t worked out where to put it but now I know it likes that he can stay put 😉
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018
Didn’t think this would survive winter but it returned triumphantly! #acer #japanese-maple #acer-ukigumo #foliagefriday
Looks amazing 😍😍
Wow that’s fabulous
@hkyfvr @vegandmore thanks ladies 😀 the only acer I’ve managed to keep alive but it’s a worthy one 😍
Always welcome. It sure is a worthy one. 😍😍
So glad it survived the winter. Crazy looking foliage on this one
@alan1111 me too 🙏🏻 some plants surprised me with their resilience!
Me too. All my california poppy's survived and yet I lost 11 of my 12 angels trumpet and they were put away for winter 😢
@alan1111 oh no, not your brugs 😢 I’m so sorry they didn’t make it 😣
I'm over it 😅 the one I have left is just starting to produce it's first buds. I got another two for €3 each. Their small plants and will only get a few flowers this year @kez001uk
@alan1111 that’s a great price for them! Even one flower is worth growing them for 😛
I'll be taking cuttings as soon as I can. See if I can keep them alive over winter @kez001uk