False Spiraea
Late Summer 2024
- 2
Early Summer 2023
- 8
Mid Summer 2022
- 12
Early Summer 2022
- 11
Mid Summer 2021
- 10
Early Summer 2020
- 36
Late Spring 2020
- 19
Late Spring 2020
- 7
Mid Summer 2019
- 13
Early Summer 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2019
- 0
Late Spring 2019
- 11
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 3
Early Summer 2018
- 8
Early Summer 2018
- 0
Early Summer 2018
- 0
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 4
Early Summer 2018
- 9
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 6
Late Spring 2018
- 0
Late Spring 2018
- 0
Late Spring 2018
- 0
Late Spring 2018
- 0
Late Spring 2018
- 0
Late Spring 2018
- 0
Mid Spring 2018
- 0
Mid Spring 2018
- 0

Late Summer 2024
Early Summer 2023

One of very few to return this year 💕 #astilbe #false-spiraea

Sweet wispy flowers. 😍

Lovely ☺️ much better than mine!

That heatwave scorched mine and I lost all the flower buds 🥺

@hkyfvr thanks Diane 😀 most rotted but a few of my favourites survived thankfully 🙏🏻

@vegandmore thanks Christine 😃 they’re very hit and miss aren’t they 😐

@pelly oh Jane 😣 only reason this did ok was because it’s in full shade. Only place I can get them to flower successfully 😜

Very welcome Kerry. Glad you still have these beauties 😍
Mid Summer 2022

#astilbe #false-spiraea

Absolutely gorgeous flowers 😍😍😍

Wow beautiful 😍 I can’t get mine to grow!

Gorgeous 💞

@gjones 😂 I always think about you when I post Astilbe 🙈 these are the last ones left flowering so I can stop taunting you now 🤭

@hkyfvr @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks ladies 😀 late to the party but they missed the harshest heat and managed to flower 💕

@vegandmore thanks Christine 😃 do you get the foliage?

Most welcome Kerry. Love astilbe 💗

About 3 inches of foliage

@vegandmore that’s dwarf level foliage 😂

Indeed! I don’t think they like Sandy soil @kez001uk

@vegandmore that could be it! Think they prefer it soggy & boggy 😅
Early Summer 2022

Always the first colour to flower 💓 #astilbe #false-spiraea

Beautiful delicate pink. 💗

Yep! Beautiful! 💘😍

@hkyfvr @ShelleySnyder thanks ladies 😀 love a fluffy plant 😛

Very welcome 😊

My pleasure Kerry!💘😍

Beautiful. A "real" spiraea must be something really special to see then! 😁

@jeatacake 🥹 I’ve never understood why it’s called that 🤪 the real spiraea I have isn’t a patch on this! 😂

Maybe it's because it's just too fancy & therefore must be false? 🤔🤷♂️

@jeatacake wait til it takes out the hair extensions & false eye lashes! It’ll look just as plain as the rest of us 🤨🤣

Mid Summer 2021

#astilbe #false-spiraea

Lovely 🤍

@gjones thanks Katy 😊 there’s something extra special about the less imposing looking plants 🤍

@hkyfvr thanks Diane ☺️ the only one of my old astilbe plants to flower so I’m happy to see it 🤍

Very welcome Kerry. I used to have these but would lose them over the winter. Love them though. 👍😍

You've got FLUFF!!!! YAY!!

@hkyfvr I thought they were tough plants but seems once they start to grow and get hit by frost, that’s it 😝 such a shame 😔

@jmlincoln finally 😁 no other old ones flowered but all 4 new ones are starting to 😍

Wow, so fluffy and feathery 🤍🤍

@jeatacake it is such a cute little thing 🤍🤍🤍 sadly a loner this year ☹️
Early Summer 2020

#astilbe #false-spiraea

Looks just like mine, but lot pinker, mine are just starting to colour fade on the astilbe been out for weeks.. lovely flower 🌸

That is stunning....💗💗💗

Looks like pink coral I used to see snorkeling in the Carribean. Beautiful.

So pink and fluffy 🌸🌸🌸

Woohooo!!! You've got the fluff!! It looks like cottoncandy ☺️

@solly1961 they don’t disappoint do they! Look good for ages 😍 a little disappointed only 2 of 5 colours came through but they’re putting on a show to make up for it 😂

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank you Elaine 😀 they’ve gone mad this year! 💕

@maldavis I’d happily swap it for that view! 😍😍😂 can imagine it was an incredible experience

@pelly like a candy floss stand 😋😋

@jmlincoln finally got some fluff 😁 they always make me want cotton candy 😋😋😋

Yes that's just it. I think mine is just starting to fluff out but there's only one stem so far 💖
Late Spring 2020

#astilbe #false-spiraea

Mine is the same as yours, I'm waiting very impatiently for mine to open 🙄😂


I do like these i have a couple their at the same stage as yours

@pelly they seem to take an age to open up 🤪🥱

@jmlincoln it’s taking sooooo long 🤣 how are yours looking?

@alan1111 they’re beautiful aren’t they 🥰 just take an age to get their fluffy coat 😂

Mine seems to be stuck on hold at the moment 😅

That's beautiful ♥️♥️

@alan1111 they need a swift kick up the bum! 😆

@midnightgardener they look amazing up close. So many tiny buds in no hurry to open up 🤣

@kez001uk I've got some Geraniums like that ♥️♥️
Late Spring 2020

#astilbe #false-spiraea

Ah ha! My astible looks like yours! I was wondering why the online pictures of them (from google) have such bigger, fluffier stalks. I thought I was doing something wrong.

@jmlincoln they’ll fluff up soon 😛 it’s hard looking for id’s online because they rarely show anything but the plant in full bloom 😜

Awesome! Can't wait 😀 Thanks for letting me know 👍🏻

@jmlincoln you’re welcome 😁 I look forward to seeing yours in all their fluffy glory 😛😅

Me too! And you're welcome for describing them as fluff 🤣

@jmlincoln 😆 it’s the best description for them 😛
Mid Summer 2019

Love this bright color!

@maldavis thanks Mark 😁 they’re so vibrant, especially against the green ❣️💕


Gorgeous colours 💗

It looks a bit like an Astillbe 😊😊💕💕

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley ☺️

@honestgreensco thanks Steve 😁

Very welcome!💘😍

@anges thanks Ange 😄

@midnightgardener they are 😁 false spiraea is another name 😊

@columbiariver thanks Laura 😀
Early Summer 2019

Again, just about the whole range here of Astilbes. I especially like the red one trying to keep up with the pinks! ❤

@jeatacake a fair few died back after that surprise late frost so not looking as good as last year 😜 but they’re great looking things aren’t they 😋

They are & they will never let you down 😊 👍

I'm warming up to the white ones 😊😆

@ublaszko the foliage isn’t too bad either. A white one would go nice in your garden Urszula 😉

Must keep an eye out for them next spring. 😊
Early Summer 2019
Late Spring 2019

Will be bright and beautiful, almost neon! Gotta tell you that whenever I see your profile pic, it makes me laugh. Is this one of those phone apps?

@maldavis they are so vivid when they’re in full bloom. 😂 its a Snapchat teddybear filter 🤣 I can’t smile in photos so like the irony of happy filter on a miserable face 😅

Huh!!! Thank goodness for filters, but sometimes a non-smile is more beautiful.

@maldavis I may terrify the gt’s community with an unfiltered profile photo next time I change it 😂😂😂

@gjones they’re beautiful aren’t they 😍 I’m so happy you’ve got one that’s returning 😁 aaawww, thank you ☺️😘

@cyndi they have absolutely flourished since I moved them into shade! I don’t think they get any direct sun and seem to do all the better for it 😁

I, too, think your beautiful and I sincerely hope you, nor @gjones, thought otherwise. Those filters just make me laugh.

@maldavis I didn’t take it any other way than how you intended it ☺️ they amuse me too 😛 who doesn’t chuckle at the sight of an almost 40 year old woman in a teddy bear disguise 😂

Hey, great idea! Instead of posting plants we can all do a face pics with our favorite face app!

@maldavis going to have to find a good one to match your batman 😜

@cyndi I hope it helps ☺️ I know they love water so I think it helps keep them from drying out too much also
Mid Summer 2018

Faded now but still as pretty 💕
Early Summer 2018

Even when they’re past their best they look pretty

#falsespirea #astilbe

@gjones I love that! It really does look snow covered ❄️
Early Summer 2018

@gjones please pass on my thanks to Glyn 😁 and thank you too ☺️


@jeatacake just a bit bright isn’t it 🤣 think the green background makes it worse! 😂

It's got a lot more colour than my pink one. It looks wishy washy compared to yours 😁


@jeatacake I didn’t really think they’d end up the colours on the website photo but shocked that they’ve lived up to it! #nofilter 😉

@Soph1e thank you 😁 one of my favourites 😊

Dazzling 😎😁👍
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

Resting in the shade 🐝
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

Beautiful colour 😍

@suerichards thank you ☺️ taking weeks to fluff out but it’s a real bright spot in the shady area

@gjones just like candy floss/cotton candy 😋

I have one but it’s in the wrong place , need to move it

Love that

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom last year I had them in part sun and only one bloomed with barely any foliage. This year it’s in full shade and exploded! Hope you find the right spot for it 😊

@pattygardd thank you 😛 they’re really putting on a show!

@kez001uk you’ve surprised me I would have put it in full the moment it’s lost in between taller plants so I’ll move it into shade....👍🏼😉

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom I’m not sure that’s their typical growing conditions but it seems to have worked so far 😊
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

Another one fuzzing up 😁
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018
#astilbe #false-spiraea
That's pretty 😍