Late Summer 2022
- 9
Mid Autumn 2021
- 13
Mid Autumn 2019
- 4
Early Autumn 2019
- 18
Early Autumn 2019
- 0
Late Summer 2019
- 0

Late Summer 2022
Mid Autumn 2021

Finally flowering 💖 #begonia

What a fabulous colour, well worth the wait 💞💞💞

These are beautiful. Such a pretty colour. Love the foliage on begonias. 💗💗💚💗


Outstanding color!!💘😍

@pelly @hkyfvr @emch @ShelleySnyder @columbiariver thank you ladies ☺️ it’s one of my oldest plants and never fails to come back, even though I worry every year that it won’t 🙈

Very welcome!💘😍

Very welcome. It is a loyal plant coming back all these years. Never lets you down. My kind of plant 👍👍😊

@hkyfvr gotta love the ones that stick with you 🥰

Fabulous 👍 It will continue to flower for months to come in your greenhouse 😍

@jeatacake I never thought to bring it indoors to keep it flowering 😜 thanks for the idea 😉👍🏻

Most welcome....... if you have the space of course! 🤔
Mid Autumn 2019


Such beautiful flowers 😍

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😀

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😃
Early Autumn 2019

Love these 😍 I must restock next year, as all but 1 of mine died over winter in the greenhouse.

Great shot. 😍😍

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😁 was surprised to see this. Had it in a pot for 3 summers and it’s never flowered! This year it was attacked badly by the birds and reduced to nothing so just covered it over with fresh soil thinking it might come back next year 😜 it had other ideas 😂

@sherrisgarden thanks Sherri 😁 lucky to have timed it right with a rare bit of sunshine 😅

So good that you didn't give up on it. It's rewarding you now for your patience 😊

@jeatacake teach me not to give up on plants so soon 😜

If you have the space to keep them, it's worth giving them a bit of leeway. I always think it's worth waiting until at least mid June for regrowth on things which may look dead after winter too 👍

@jeatacake if gardening has taught me anything it’s patience. Not a fan of waiting but it’s surprising what springs up given a little extra time 🤣

I think I've reached the stage where I have so many different plants on the go at any one time, that the time I can devote to any one plant becomes limited to the extent that I can easy forget dormant plants until I notice they've burst into life again, if that makes any sense?😁

@jeatacake 😅 it does make sense 😛 there’s too much other stuff to focus on that you don’t notice the lazy plants 😂 I might have to get more plants in that case 😉😉

Ha ha ha, any excuse! 🤣🤣🤣

@jeatacake of course I’ll have to blame you 😌🤣
Early Autumn 2019
Late Summer 2019
Has never been as big! Heat & shade seem to have done wonders for this one! 💗 #begonia
Lovely. I've just been playing catch-up on your page. Wow, you have some beauties this year!
It is beautiful Kerry. Love the foliage and all the blooms 💚💗
@novicegardenlover thank you so much Susan 🙏🏻 with the weather we’ve had I wasn’t even sure I’d have many plants left at this point! They’ve fared well and some have done far better than usual 🤗
@emch @hkyfvr thank you both 😊 it’s a good few years old now but seems to be at its happiest right now 💕
@gjones thanks Katy ☺️ some have done well, some suffered, bur haven’t lost any as far as I can tell. I realised the benefits of using pot saucers and bark mulch just in time! 😂
Always welcome 😍
@gjones I think you’re right 😐 it’s been a good lesson and surprised me how well a container garden can work through the harshest of weathers. Takes work but that’s what we do for our plants ☺️