Berkheya purpurea
Early Summer 2022
- 11
Early Summer 2022
- 16
Early Summer 2021
- 10
Early Summer 2021
- 19
Early Autumn 2020
- 16
Early Autumn 2020
- 9
Late Spring 2020
- 12
Late Spring 2020
- 7
Late Autumn 2019
- 12
Late Autumn 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 2
Mid Summer 2019
- 17
Mid Summer 2019
- 15
Early Summer 2019
- 18
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Early Summer 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2019
- 25
Late Spring 2019
- 10
Early Autumn 2018
- 9

Berkheya purpurea
Early Summer 2022
Early Summer 2022

Here they come 😨 #berkheya-purpurea #purple-berkheya

It looks lethal 😳

Be careful around that one. Can’t wait to see it opened up. 💗

I must check my only survivor. The one I left out all winter didn't survive.

Mine are coming the beasties 😫

@pelly @KOutdoors @hkyfvr @vegandmore they’re really lovely flowers but the plant itself is pure evil! Even touching the leaves you end up with hairs that stick in your skin and irritate. That’s without those satanic thorns that are not shy about making you bleed 😞 still worth growing though 🤣

@jeatacake oh no, I’m sorry you lost your outdoor one 😞 once established they should be ok outside. Maybe was too little yet. Good to know something can hurt them though! 😅

They sound scary. I am a klutz so that would not be a good plant for me. I would have to stock up on bandages. 😂🤣


@hkyfvr they’d be a nightmare, especially grown in the ground and having to get around them to sort other plants 😰

I would be impaled every time I ventured near. 🙀😂

@hkyfvr 🤣🤣 Kevlar overalls needed!
Early Summer 2021

#berkheya-purpurea #purple-berkheya

Yes I have one it’s a bit of a beast 😩

@gjones there is 6 on this one stem. They flower brilliantly 💜 but the stems and leaves are pure evil! Those spikes get you even through thick gardening gloves 😰 the most evil plant I’ve had, even beating Mahonia & Pyracantha 🙈

@vegandmore it really can cause injury 😩 I try to avoid it but I swear it leans in at me as I walk by 🤣


Wow! I didn't know they were multi-flowered. Mines still keeping me waiting!

@jeatacake the first year I think they just had one flower. Every year since there’s been multiple on each stem. They do make up for their violence 😅

I hope so! I'll just settle for this one tantalising flower for now.

@jeatacake they do like to keep you waiting before they open up 😜

Well, today it's finally opened, yay 🤸 I'll post a pic of it for sure 👍
Early Summer 2021

#berkheya-purpurea #purple-berkheya

Very pretty. This is one I have not seen before. 👍💜💜

I must sow more of these spikey lovelies

I have this but not sure if I like it or not it’s a strange one 😂

That’s pretty…

@hkyfvr thanks Diane 😀 I don’t think they’re very common, probably because they’re like a deadly weapon 😂 the plant is covered in spikes and they are mean! 😩

@DeborahBanks the flowers just about make the danger element worthwhile 😆

@vegandmore it’s definitely a marmite plant 😂 I do adore the flowers but the plant as a whole isn’t the most attractive 😜

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank you Elaine ☺️

@gjones thank you Katy 😊 the flowers are about 2 or 3 inches. Not very big but they do have multiple flowers on each stalk 💜

Oh dear. I am such a klutz that I would be covered in wounds with this beauty. 😞😫 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr snap 😂 and because the stalks get so tall they lean and sway and catch you when the wind blows. Only just occurred to me to move it away from the path 🤣🤣🤣🙈
Early Autumn 2020

Showing its evil side 😈 #berkheya-purpurea #purple-berkheya

Eekkk 😱🥺

@gjones it really is a Jekyll & Hyde kind of plant 😂

@pelly it’s so mean you can’t touch anything but the petals without getting stabbed 😫

Wow! 👍💜 Even prickles around the flowers! 😮

@jeatacake they’re absolute beasts! 😱

I thought “what a pretty flower” then I saw the prickles. Be careful with that beauty 🙀😖

@hkyfvr it really is beautiful but one of the nastiest plants I have! The leaves look so fluffy and cute but can’t get near them without thick gloves 🙈

Wow. Take care with that 👍💜

Peaky prickles, good thing you wear gloves. I got caught twice with a rose of mine. Nasty 😳💕💕

@hkyfvr I’ll be wearing Kevlar to touch it in future 🤣🤣🤣

@midnightgardener they’re the only plant I put on gloves for. They don’t look too bad but those thorns sting! 😭 I’m surprised you don’t have cute galore from all the roses you have 😜😂
Early Autumn 2020

#berkheya-purpurea #purple-berkheya

Hoping to see one of my two "seedlings" like this next year 🙏💜

The berkheya I thought I’d dug up to move turned out to be a common thistle 😂 I must sow some more.

Beautiful 💕💕💜

@jeatacake they’ll be in full flower and spike, I’m sure 😛😱

@DeborahBanks oh no 🥴 to be fair they’re as evil as a thistle! 😆

@midnightgardener thank you Chris 😀 not had as many flowers this year since a bird keeps pulling up the plants 😤 I can’t touch them without gloves but birds can rip them out for nesting material 🤷🏻♀️🤣

I don't mind the odd prickling so long as they do flower! I'm going to leave one outside and put one in the greenhouse just in case! I'd be gutted if they perished during the winter 😧

@jeatacake it’s colder up your way so that’s probably a good idea so you know how they’ll go. Must admit the spikes are worth it for these flowers 💜
Late Spring 2020

#berkheya-purpurea #purple-berkheya

Looking forward to these next summer especially if they're as good as yours have been 💜👍

Beautiful! Unfamiliar with this flower. Tell me more.

@jeatacake are yours doing well? These are full of flowers already. Must be 10+ buds on this one stalk alone! 💜

@maldavis looks are deceiving! As beautiful as the flowers are the rest of the plant is mean 😢 the whole thing is just spikes. They flower so well though, open lighter in colour through the season too. They’re known as the purple sunflower but don’t think they’re any relation. A nice plant I think, and definitely a little different 😛

They're sturdy (& prickly) little plants. Maybe 6 inches across & the same high, but no sign of any inclination to flower as yet! 😏💜

@jeatacake that’s a good size already! When I got mine as plugs they were much smaller so you never know, they might have a late summer attempt at flowering 😛

I hope so, but I'll settle for next year!

@jeatacake least now you have them they’ll be there forever! No one or nothing is digging them up 🤣

Not even a hedgehog or a porcupine! 😆

@jeatacake they’d finally know what they feel like 😂

Late Spring 2020

The spikes are back 😱 #berkheya-purpurea #purple-berkheya

A prickly flower on its way 👍 💜 Only leaves on my prickly customers so far 😁

@jeatacake looks so threatening 😱 they’ll take off soon and you’ll need self defence classes! 😆

😆 yes! mine aren’t that advanced but they’ve multiplied 😳😁

@telswirld their spitefulness is spreading 😱😂

Certainly need the gardening gloves on!

@jeatacake 🧤
Late Autumn 2019

@cyndi it does look fluffy 😛 but those spikes say otherwise 😉😂

How are these doing this year? Did they overwinter ok? I got some seeds & have 2 decent sized seedlings. Not sure if they'll flower.

@jeatacake they’re starting to get their flower spikes already 😁 a few crispy leaves was as bad as they got over winter. I’m so glad you’ve got some 😛 I think @DeborahBanks started her seeds late last year and got flowers so you might be surprised 😉

@jeatacake one of my seedlings from last year flowered and the other didn’t and it’s happily still growing in the garden and was outside in a pot all winter.

The 2 seedlings I have are starting to grow fast now so it's good to know there's some hope of a flower! More do though that they ought to survive winter outside. Thanks Kerry & Deborah @DeborahBanks 👍😊💜

@jeatacake once they get bigger and the leaves attack you you’ll see why even frost is scared of them 🤣

@kez001uk mine bit me again yesterday I think I’d forgotten again how ruthless they are 😀

@DeborahBanks 😂 they soon remind you don’t they! 😝

They're looking a bit bristly already! 😮

@jeatacake wear armour when you’re anywhere near them! 🤣

Ah they're pussy cats compared to my evil razor wire Puya Berteronia 😼👿

@jeatacake oh yes, I remember you telling me about that one 🙈
Late Autumn 2019

Late Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2019

Isn't that lovely, I've not seen it before Kerry 😍😍

Oh this is cool! #neverseenanythinglikeit

Wow! Gorgeous! I love it 😍

I saw one guy say it was a "repulsive plant" and he's ripping all of them up, lol. I'm guessing it would depend on where you choose to plant it? It might look nice as a border to our Forrest.

@pelly the flowers are lovely but same can’t be said for the rest of the violent thing 😂 worth a few cuts though 😜

@cyndi thank you Cyndi ☺️

@gjones thanks Katy 😁 they’ve opened lighter and lighter too. Started very lilac and now are almost white 😍

@KariSamuel isn’t it lovely 💜 to look at anyway 🙈

@gardengirlla if I manage to collect seed I’ll let you know 😛

@Dragon_Warrior thank you ☺️ I read that too! I don’t know for sure because I grow mine in a pot, but perhaps it spreads when grown in the ground 🤔 and I must say the rest of the plant is a lot less pretty. It’s a violent thing! 😂 can’t touch any part of it without being stabbed 😜 but I think it’s worth it for the flowers 😁 could looks very nice in your forest border 💜

Looks vicious 😁😁

@ublaszko I swear it lashes out at me! 🤣
Mid Summer 2019

Wow that's incredible and such a delicate colour. Where did you get this or did you grow from seed?@kez001uk 😊😊💜💜

@midnightgardener thanks Christine ☺️ you can grow them from seed but I bought them as postiplugs from Thompson & Morgan 💜

#quirky 😆😆😆

Great colour

@ublaszko and evil! 🤣 deadheading is a hazardous task!

@alan1111 it’s unusual but been a great plant. Flowers last well and new spikes are still appearing weeks after the first flowers 💟

😂😂 Would make a good character for Plants vs. Zombies game 😆

Thanks Kerry another one of the wish list

@ublaszko 😂 love that game and would be no zombies passing this! 🤣

@alan1111 😂 stacking up your wish list today!

Fab! Cant wait till mine flower next year

@DeborahBanks just be sure to wear full body armour when you’re dealing with them 🤣
Early Summer 2019

I like them too & so many flower heads 💜💜💜

@cyndi they open from the top down and have a whole bunch of flowers on each stem. Great plants, just uuuuuuugly foliage. Looked ok til they flowered but it’s vile now 🤣 on my seed saving list 😉

@gjones much less monster-like 😂 just love the lilac fluff in the centre 💜

@jeatacake they have exceeded my expectations, and the multiple flowers is an added bonus 😁

You've convinced me to try them next year for sure 👍

@jeatacake woooo! I’m so pleased to hear that 😁 just grow something pretty, about 1’ high, in front of it 😜

Really? Only 1 ft high? I suppose as they're like sunflowers I automatically thought they'd be a lot taller 🤔

Waiting for mine to flower 👍🏻💜😉

That’s very nice 👌👌

@jeatacake they aren’t as high as sunflowers but my estimating measurements is horrendous 🙈 they’re over 2’ 6” 😜

@telswirld can’t wait to see your photos 😁

@suerichards thank you Sue ☺️ just a shame the rest of the plant isn’t as nice 😜
Early Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

@sieveheadsarah they’re prettier than I expected 💜

They're very pretty Kerry, I'll definitely sow mine next year!! 👍🏼. What's the foliage like??

😍😍😍 I agree! Looks so much better than I expected! 😍😍

@sieveheadsarah I can’t say it’s incredibly pretty but stays compact and fluffy. I’ll take a full photo later for you 😁

@ublaszko the photos I’ve seen made them look much more dull and scruffy. Maybe they’ll end up like that but they’re quite nice at the moment 😋

@gjones they did look like monsters before 😂 but pleased if they stay like this, and they have multiple flowers per stem too 😁
Early Summer 2019

Feed me..👀😳

@lostgardener it does look like something from Little Shop of Horrors 😂😱

Yikes! Scary looking!

@maldavis it’s a scary plant, violent 🤣 I hope the flowers will be worth the scars 😂

Great photo!

@Soph1e thanks Sophie 😁 it’s a very photogenic plant but not for the right reasons 🤣

Yikes! Pretty, but I wouldn't want to cross her. 😍 Little Shop of Horrors.

@scottz the whole plant is just spikes and fluff. At least she tried to disguise her mean streak 😂 hoping it’ll be pretty once it opens. Purple sunflowers do sound pretty 💜

😲 lol

@lesliecole49 quite a sight isn’t it 😂

These are just surreal when in flower💜

Great close up! ☺
Late Spring 2019

Doesn’t look like much but will be my first purple sunflower bloom 💜

Now these are pretty & unique on here. I've never seen them in real life 💜👌

I look forward to seeing this flower Kerry, I bought seeds last year but changed my mind about planting them.

@jeatacake the photos I’ve seen vary quite a bit so I’m interested to see how they end up. Hopefully the violent foliage will be worthwhile 😆

@sieveheadsarah they do look unusual and the foliage isn’t very pretty or friendly so I’m hoping the flowers are a good trade off! With any luck they’ll have you wanting to try them 😁 watch this space... 😉

It does look very thistle-like at the moment!

Let's hope so Kerry, I was just put off by pics of scrappy looking foliage 😬

@jeatacake it’s so strange as it looks quite fluffy but they’re nasty buggers 🤣

@sieveheadsarah I must admit the foliage isn’t the most attractive but stays green and upright. Much nicer than the likes of allium foliage, ugly stuff 🤣

That's one good thing then Kerry, I agree about allium foliage, it's horrid!!
Early Autumn 2018

@gjones they were sold as “purple sunflower” but any picture I’ve seen is very un-sunflower-like 😂 seem pretty enough though and are thankfully growing on well after arriving almost completely rotten 😐

Oh I’ve not seen these before, they’re going to be gorgeous 💜💜

@gjones I thought the same, I love daisies of any sort and they look like them a bit. I just don’t like the look of the foliage. Seems a bit violent 🤪

@pelly me either Jane but they looked interesting so thought they were worth a try 😁

Definitely 👍👍

Interesting. I'd not seen these either, but just checked them out & they look good 😍

@jeatacake they looked pretty on the website, not too sunflower-y though 🤣

More aster-y I'd say 😁

@jeatacake I agree 😋
#berkheya-purpurea #purple-berkheya
Beautiful 🤗
Love the flower but the foliage is scary 💜😱😂
Our prickly friend is looking good good again 👍💜
And along comes Kerry and with just one photo makes my flowers look 2nd best lol . This is a beauty 😍 @kez001uk
@godfreye @KOutdoors @pelly @emch @gjones @jeatacake thank you all 💜 they’re both beauty and the beast!!!! Gorgeous flowers but will never get over how mean the plant is 😨 even with gloves those spikes will stab you! Whatever it’s protecting itself from must be long extinct 🤣
@vinny8000 I was thinking the same about yours! Everything in your garden is looking spectacular 🤩
You are too kind Kerry 😊 but your plants are streets ahead of mine . Yours are a lot more difficult to grow to as most of mine are just basic roses which are a lot easier to maintain than yours . @kez001uk
@vinny8000 think we need to cut our gardens in half and trade with each other 😉😂
That's a brilliant idea Kerry 😀 @kez001uk