Betula pendula
Silver Birch
Late Spring 2023
- 4
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 10
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2020
- 29
Early Spring 2020
- 4
Mid Autumn 2019
- 7
Early Autumn 2019
- 12
Mid Summer 2019
- 10
Early Spring 2019
- 7

Betula pendula
Late Spring 2023
Late Spring 2021

Now it’s time for the male catkins. #silver-birch #betula-pendula
Early Spring 2021

Had a tiny amount last year but this year the entire tree is covered in female catkins 😺 #silver-birch #betula-pendula

My favourite tree 😍😍😍

@ublaszko it’s a beauty isn’t it 🤍 looking so good this spring, just still waiting on the silver bit to happen 🤪

I have this wild idea to grow a silver birch from seed. I saw them on Chiltern seeds website.

@ublaszko oh wow, I’ve never seen seeds 😮 would be quite something to watch it grow from scratch 🥰

They have silver birch and black birch seeds and I'm tempted to buy both.

@ublaszko get em 😛 black birch sounds interesting 😍

You're bad influence. They also have some conifer seeds... 😅

@ublaszko I’m purely thinking of the environment and planting trees for the future wellness of planet earth 😌😂 (that’s just a benefit of my ‘encouragement’ 😉😆)

Mid Spring 2020
Early Spring 2020

#silver-birch #betula-pendula
Early Spring 2020

Little tiny catkins 😍 didn’t even know they had them 🙈😂 #silver-birch #betula-pendula

Thank you

@Abedin58 😁

@cyndi thanks Cyndi ☺️ they’re so adorable, and love they stand upright too 😂 great discovering new things 😁


@Sesiltamen thanks Silvio 😁 it’s amazing what you see when you have the time to look properly ☺️

I love the tiny catkins on silver birches 😍 The wole plant is so light and airy!

@ublaszko I didn’t get any male dangly ones, just the female upright ones. But they’re so sweet 🥰 you’re right, it’s such a delicate looking tree. Love looking through it, til I can look up at it 🤣

That's interesting. I didn't know there are two types 👍 I think I might look into getting silver birch now that I've lifted my ban on online purchases. Although I've just spent £40 on 100L of general purpose compost and 75 litres of ericaceous compost. 😂😂😂 Online shopping is dangerous!

@ublaszko would be a great addition 😁 online plant shopping is a dangerous world isn’t it!! Oh wow, that’s much more expensive than Wilko 😜 I just got my summer compost delivery today - 20 x 50l 🙈 and I know it won’t last til the end of summer either 😫

I'm hoping I can manage with 100L of normal compost plus 75L of ericaceous compost until the end of the year. It's my essential purchase to keep my potted plants healthy over summer 😆😆 I reckon I'd pay half of that price for Wilko compost. Earlier in the year I paid £2.50 for 25L. @kez001uk

@ublaszko definitely essential 😛 think most of mine is replacing what the birds dig up 🙈 that’s great value! I know the Tesco near me has started selling compost again but like you I don’t drive so it’s hard getting it home 😜
Early Spring 2020
Mid Autumn 2019


Still lots of colour, autumnal or otherwise 👍🙂

It's hanging in there alright. A nice bright day there. It's after getting dull now it's 3.15pm and I'm just after turning on the lights

Nicely captured view..

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😛 it doesn’t look too bad on a sunny day but those are rare at the moment 😆

@alan1111 had a decent day here on Thursday but been awful again since 😜 it’s barely worth opening the curtains for the length of daylight we have 🤣

@bks thank you BK ☺️
Early Autumn 2019

Love the half & half leaf contrast 💚💛

Super colours Kerry..

@auricula even the sky was looking orangy/pink 😍 the colours are just fantastic this time of year 🍂🍁

@jeatacake I thought it was dying off 😂 but fortunately the same is happening to the birches in the background 😜

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😁 the sunsets seem to make everything glow at the moment 🤩

@gjones thank you Katy ☺️ starting to feel like it too 😜 cold, wet, windy and all the plants are starting to turn 😔

Leaves on a few things are changing colour now here too & even falling off already in the case of my wisterias!

@jeatacake I noticed the same with my wisterias today 😔 everything starts changing so fast

Fabulous shot, love the Autumn colour! @kez001uk

@phyl1978 thank you Phyllis 😀 the colours are beautiful this time of year aren’t they 😍

They certainly are @kez001uk 🍁🍂🌲

Mid Summer 2019

Looking good 😍😍 How's the bird situation? Are they still kicking up the compost out of your pots?

@ublaszko love the sound it makes in the wind 😍 I think it’s all but stopped. Have the odd plant here and there that they mess with but a combination of wooden skewers, strawberry netting on the bare soil & cayenne pepper has kept most of the plants untouched 🙏🏻

Sounds great! Hope it's not too cumbersome to protect all of your pots. Perhaps the birds will learn that there's nothing to find in your garden and move along to your nosy neighbours 😁😁 Silver birch is my favourite tree 😍😍 I love the weeping silver birch because it reminds me of Poland 😊

@ublaszko I just do a pot each time it gets disturbed so it’s a bit easier to maintain. Plus still easier than cleaning up after their compost baths! I do hope so 🤞🏻 oh a weeping silver birch 😍 don’t think I’ve ever seen one 🤔 love that some plants remind you of home ☺️

They have weeping birch trees here at uni so it's a nice reminder 😊 I finally managed to get out in the garden this evening and top up some of the pots as I got my hands on the last bag of ericaceous compost in Wilko 😁

@ublaszko googled it, they’re beautiful things! How’s everything looking in the garden? Any happier with it?

They look very delicate and light and they move in the wind. Love them! Also love weeping willows 😍 The garden is looking very chaotic 😱 I've started to organise the shady side and noticed I have a few bunches of fruit on my autumn raspberries 😊 I also collected seeds from my aquilegias so that will be exciting to sow them and see if I get any new colour variations. I also cut back flowering stems on tiarella and heuchera as there were new stems coming through. 👍

@ublaszko weeping willows are amazing looking things 😍 sounds like you’re making progress a bit at a time 😁

Yep, just went out in the garden at lunchtime and leached heuchera, put some labels on springs bulbs so I know what they are and put some slug pellets down around gladioli (the leaves are all munched but supposed to be orange flowers if they ever flower 😰) 👍 I got a bit more motivation atm as I took a day off on Saturday ☺

@ublaszko god you’ve been busy!! Orange glads?? 😯
Early Spring 2019


Did you buy them online? Sounds like you found some great bargains! 😊 I'm waiting for a new delivery at Wilko to get sambucus nigra. Might go and check today as I need to get cat food 😉

@ublaszko did you get your cat food and sambucus?? I did, found a couple of great online nurseries and thought I’d use a bit of my birthday money on plants. I’m redoing the front soon so buying bits now so they look less scraggly when I put them out there 🤣

Great birthday gift! Good idea buying plants in advance before you need them 👍 No, I didn't go to Wilko in the end as it was raining cats and dogs out there.

@ublaszko I don’t mind growing them from twigs out back where they’re hidden but don’t fancy a front garden full of tiny plants so tried to be smart about it for once 🤣 oh no 😝 hope you get to go not look at plants soon 😉😉

😁😁 Smart move! I'm the opposite. Not bothered about the front garden as it's only a thin strip and nowhere to sit but it annoys me that I can still see the fence in the back garden and the neighbour's garden and back alley beyond.

@ublaszko mine is fairly big so needs a fair bit to fill it up 😂 I’m sure you could find a way of disguising those things 😉
Loaded with chunky catkins this year 💚 #silver-birch #betula-pendula
Love birches. 💚
@hkyfvr they’re beautiful trees aren’t they 🤩 this has started to get its silver bark now too 😛
They certainly are. Love the bark so much. 😍