Buddleja x weyeriana 'Bicolor' syn. Buddleja davidii 'Bicolor', Buddleja x weyeriana 'Flower Power', Buddleja 'Kaleidoscope'
Weyer Butterfly Bush 'Bicolor'
Mid Summer 2020
- 3
Mid Autumn 2019
- 10
Mid Autumn 2019
- 7
Mid Summer 2019
- 11
Mid Autumn 2018
- 16
Early Autumn 2018
- 8
Mid Summer 2018
- 28
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 1

Buddleja x weyeriana 'Bicolor' syn. Buddleja davidii 'Bicolor', Buddleja x weyeriana 'Flower Power', Buddleja 'Kaleidoscope'
Mid Summer 2020
Mid Autumn 2019

Very exotic looking, lovely!

I love that colour.....another late bloomer..

@gjones thank you Katy 😀

@alan1111 it’s a tiny bit of tropical 😉😂

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it’s lovely and bright when it starts opening but changes a fair bit as it ages. Think it’s my fault it’s flowering late as I repotted it in the middle of summer 😂

Amazing to see in November!

@jeatacake it’s a lovely little splash of colour 😁 still covered in buds and flowers but that may change after tonight 😐🥶❄️

Hope you didn't get snow or frost overnight & it's all sti going strong 🤞

@jeatacake would you believe it warmed up by the early hours! Thankfully it wasn’t too bad but it’s on the cards no doubt 🙈

That was handy 🙂 but yes, it's just a matter of when, not if 😑
Mid Autumn 2019


Amazing that's still in flower. My tri colour was fab this year but stopped flowerimg weeks ago 😊😊💜💜

@midnightgardener think it’s so late because I repotted it in the middle of summer 🙈 so it hasn’t flowered much until now. And is now covered in buds 😅

@cyndi I can’t say I’ve ever noticed seeds but I’ll keep a look out as there are several flowers ready to open. I’ve not had it long enough to know if it spreads but mine is in a pot so fortunately don’t have that problem 😛

@cyndi I love all those kinds of photos, not just of the flower. Think it helps know what your plant will do and when. Another great part of gt’s 😁

@cyndi and I really need to start tagging my photos 🙈 something I still forget to do, and the clue is in the name of the app 🤣😳😜

@cyndi I’ll make it my mission to start hashtagging 😛 and you’re right, it does help 👍🏻
Mid Summer 2019

Double trouble 🐝🐝 #wildlifewednesday

That's mighty purdy! And the beez agreez!!🤪💘😍

@cyndi thank you Cyndi 😁

@ShelleySnyder 🤣 love that! 🤣


My bicolor is still one color! But it's blooming so I'm happy with that

Very eye catching 😍

@gjones thanks Katy 😀

@lesliecole49 mine too. It’s not turning orange yet 😜 but we have flowers 😁

@alan1111 thank you Alan 😀

@gardengirlla thanks Maggie 😄🐝
Mid Autumn 2018

That’s a gorgeous one 💓🧡

My buddleias didn't do very well this year and stopped flowering ages ago 😟

You must have an amazing climate where you are. I only have a few plants in flower and most have already got an autumn cut back. Jealous! 😍

@pelly its a pretty pink, nice and different to the typical colour ☺️

@bluefox23 the pigeons breaking bits off didn’t help yours 😜 my others finished a while back, just this one really is living up to its name!

@ublaszko I think its a lot milder here than in most parts of the country. I cut most things back now but still have the odd bit flowering. How long for though, that’s the question 😂

Very true!! Well remembered!! 😉😂

I have a few bits here and there in flower. My wallflower and dianthus are still going (although I cut one dianthus back to the base to reinvigorate it for next year). One of the hellebores is in flower and I just bought a red skimmia in bud. The garden is in a mess right now because of the fence so I've been focusing on getting the bulbs in so I'm ready for spring colour. 😆😆

@bluefox23 never forget the destruction those little 💩’s cause! 😂

@ublaszko that’s not a bad show! Your wallflower is so pretty 💜 and just saw the skimmia 😍 by the looks of things you’ll have your bulbs flowering by Christmas 🤣🤣🤣

😂😂 By the looks of things my bulbs will flower in their bags before I get a chance to plant them 😂😂

@ublaszko oh I hope you get them in soon ☺️
Early Autumn 2018

@gjones and so full of buds too! Certainly likes its new spot on the deck 😛


@kimguy flowering better now than it has all year 🤣

My buddelia is reblooming! It's supposed to frost tonight so it may not get to open fully. We'll see.

@kimguy I hope the frost didn’t cause it any damage 🤞🏻

We lucked out. No frost YET!

@kimguy I hope it stays away for as long as possible for you 😁

Me too!😨
Mid Summer 2018

Beautiful.. gorgeous colours!

@kamaki buddleja are so pretty aren’t they 🧡

Absolutely stunning!

This one is gorgeous! I love pastel colours 😍😍😍

@ublaszko it’s really lovely but for some reason I was expecting it to be yellow. I have no idea why 🙈

That's a pretty one 💛💕💘


Gorgeous colour 😍👍

Love the colour!

@gjones contrast really well with the pale lilac flowers 💜🧡

@Keely thanks Keely 😁

@valjones-hughes that’s what I thought 😊 pretty but different 😛
Mid Summer 2018

@auricula thank you 😁 shame it’s not bigger! 😂
Early Summer 2018

New addition today😁
#buddleja #buddleia #butterfly-bush #buddleja-flower-power #buddleja-bicolour
@gjones the scent is absolutely heavenly. So strong! 😋
@gjones I’m surprised they don’t make it through winter but yours are much more harsh than ours 😜 Black Knight has gorgeous flowers 😍 worth a try, even just for the scent 😋