Buddleja x weyeriana 'Bicolor' syn. Buddleja davidii 'Bicolor', Buddleja x weyeriana 'Flower Power', Buddleja 'Kaleidoscope'
Weyer Butterfly Bush 'Bicolor'
Early Summer 2021
- 1
Mid Spring 2021
- 10

Buddleja x weyeriana 'Bicolor' syn. Buddleja davidii 'Bicolor', Buddleja x weyeriana 'Flower Power', Buddleja 'Kaleidoscope'
Early Summer 2021
Mid Spring 2021

UGH! I bought a butterfly bush without realizing it's invasive! I should just throw it away, right? Is it worth putting in a planter?

It's definitely worth putting in a planter, just don't plant it in the ground, butterfly and hummingbird love this and it really is an attractive plant, it will stay smaller in a pot also!💘😍

Yes @ShelleySnyder the pics of it were so pretty, I think I will try it in a planter. Thanks

My pleasure!💘😍

Hmm, I didnt know they were invasive either until after I had purchased one. I have had it a few years now in ground and haven't had any invaders pop up in the yard but that doesnt mean they haven't. They are not something I see in the fields or roadsides around here either. (I'm in a 7a zone too. Middle Tennessee)

I've read and heard rose of Sharon are invasive too but have never had a problem with them. Maybe further south than me...

I live in zone 8b & have one in a large plastic tub. The bees & butterflies love it. I bought 2 more for in the ground. Just be sure to deadhead regularly. Very easy to care for.

When we moved into our house five years ago the yard was overrun with invasive honeysuckle, english ivy, and day lilies and we've only gotten them under control this year. So anything potentially invasive sends shivers down my spine.

I'll put it in a planter for this summer and see how much trouble it is to keep up with deadheading

Not invasive at all like the ones you just listed tho.
The biggest carpenter bee I've ever seen! I love these big dumb oxes. #butterflybush #carpenterbee