Cornus alba 'Sibirica'
Siberian Dogwood
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2019
- 4
Late Autumn 2018
- 13

Cornus alba 'Sibirica'
Early Spring 2020
Late Autumn 2019


My generic dogwood is the same colour 😊 I'm so glad because I overpaid for it 😅 I like the yellowy - green one as well 😍

@ublaszko it’s a lovely looking thing isn’t it ❤️ nice change to brown twigs anyway 😆 the yellow/green one is the only one to flower so far so that’s my favourite too 😉

Late Autumn 2018


You've got some real beauties💗

Another nice collection 👌😍

@kimguy thanks Kim. Can’t resist a bargain is my problem 🤣

@jeatacake cheers Jeff 😁 wanted some for a while, they fascinate me how they look like they’re glowing 😍 (obviously when they’re a bit more established than these 😂)

They do glow a little already, like the end of some tree twigs in spring when the sap is rising. They certainly stand out 👍

You sure do have a great variety. I’ve never seen some of those dogwood’s. We have a couple here but I think there different🤗🤗😘🎄⛄️


@jeatacake should bring a little more colour next winter. Noticing how dire it looks out there now so trying to think ahead 😛

@terrimclaughlin thanks Terri 😁 I don’t know much about them, just fell in love with the coloured stems 😍 adds something different to the garden ☺️

They certainly do, especially in gloomy weather 👌

Looks great 😍 - I’ve just got some cuttings of this, hoping it will look good with two others I have
#cornus #dogwood #siberian-dogwood #cornus-alba-sibirica