Deutzia scabra
Late Spring 2020
Early Summer 2019

Twig update

I have this one I think! One of the mock oranges that was not mock orange looks like this. I knew it was deutzia but didn't know what kind 👍👍

@ublaszko was that a wilko mock orange? 😜

Poundland 😂😂

@ublaszko might not be the right one but not a bad alternative 😉

Except I already had one mock orange that wasn't 😂😂 Third time's a charm 😆

@ublaszko oh, ooops 😜 has to be right next time 😛
Early Winter 2018


New plant to me. Scrolled through encyclopedia. Boy !! What beautiful flowers.

I agree with @sherrisgarden - These are lovely!

New to me too. Such splendid blooms😍

@sherrisgarden I had no idea what it looked like until I saw it in the encyclopedia either. Can’t wait to see it flower now 😋

@KariSamuel they certainly look pretty in flower. Not so much now 😂

@kimguy nice that they’re fragranced too 😁
First time flowering 😍 #deutzia #fuzzy-deutzia #deutzia-scabra
So quirky and interesting!! I love it. Pretty little flowers. 💚 Looks kinda like a Lily of the Valley after a few cocktails! 😂
@laneygarden it really does! 🤣 I am useless with lily of the valley so this can be my alternative 😋