Fritillaria imperialis
Crown Imperial
Early Spring 2022
- 7
Early Spring 2022
- 15
Early Spring 2022
- 10
Early Spring 2020
- 46
Early Spring 2020
- 14
Early Spring 2020
- 19
Early Spring 2020
- 18
Late Winter 2020
- 28
Late Winter 2020
- 26
Late Winter 2020
- 10
Late Winter 2019
- 8
Late Winter 2019
- 11

Fritillaria imperialis
Early Spring 2022
Early Spring 2022

#crown-imperial #fritillaria-imperialis

Loving the colours and the foliage too. 🧡💚🧡

This is crazy beautiful. Love the sturdy black stem. Just so interesting

@hkyfvr @heatherdirtyhands thank you ladies 😊 they’re such an eye catching plant, and nose-catching 🥴 the black stems are my favourite part too, contrasting beautifully with the bright orange 🧡🖤💚

Always welcome. The stem is so thick and sturdy that I had to look a few times to be sure that is what it was. The black is great with the orange. 🖤🧡💚

@hkyfvr not as sturdy as they look sadly 🙈 mine are currently leaning almost horizontal after frosts and high winds. Staking isn’t my strong point 😂

Oh dear. Hope your weather settles down. We are going into the minus territory overnight on the weekend. Rain and possible snow too. I already see damage to the foliage on my spring plants coming up. 🙁

@hkyfvr and you thought the snow might be over too 😩 we need to move to a better climate!!! 😂

I agree. ☀️🌞

They smell good?

@heatherdirtyhands awful. So awful 🙈 the smell is much more tolerable once they’re in flower but as they are growing it’s the most putrid oniony, garlicky stench 🥴

Wow. That's funny they stink more before flowering. Weird. I guess not all beautiful things smell good
Early Spring 2022

#crown-imperial #fritillaria-imperialis

So beautiful. Love the colours on these. 🧡💛💜

I really want to grow these for my blue tits 💙 but the idea of more lily beetle fighting puts me off


@hkyfvr @juliesgarden thank you both 😁 stunning but equally stinky 🥴

@DeborahBanks I haven’t noticed any on these before. Had no idea they liked them 🙈 Think they’re one of the worst pests. So destructive and nasty💩

Very welcome. Too bad they smell bad. 🤦♀️🤦♀️


@hkyfvr they seem to attract Franklin though so I’m going to bottle the scent and use it for dog training 🤣

Early Spring 2020

#crown-imperial #fritillaria-imperialis

Absolutely stunning shot Kerry! 🧡🧡🧡 #bestofmarch #bestofspring #bestof2020

Wow #frameworthy 🌈❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍

Beautiful photo Kerry 😍


Beautiful and interesting perspective. Did you lay on your back to shoot this or a selfie-stick? LOL. Really nice shot Kerry!

Nice photo ❤

Stunning. The photo is amazing 😍

Oh that’s a beauty Kerry 😍

Beautiful pic Kerry 😍

They're fabulous Kerry 🧡 but I hope you didn't hurt your back taking the photo 🤞

@anges thank you Ange 😀
Early Spring 2020

#crown-imperial #fritillaria-imperialis

Wow this is beautiful

Fabulous 🧡🧡🧡

Beautiful Kerry🤗

Oh yes I do like them

Amazing flowers 💓

@usmanghazanfar thanks Usman 😀

@jeatacake thank you Jeff 😃

@godfreye thank you Enid 😄

@alan1111 they’re so exotic looking don’t you think 😍

@vivo44 thanks Lisa 😁

They have a certain something about them alright
Early Spring 2020

Worth the stench 🤢 just about 😅 #crown-imperial #fritillaria-imperialis

Isn't that beautiful, then I you for being so brave 🧡😂

That’s fab Kerry, I must get some for next year.

Wowee! 🤩 Love it 👍 Still not a sign of ang buds on mine! 😑

Beautiful 😷🤣😷🤣

Beautiful worth the stink 😉

@pelly they’re amazing flowers but I’ve never smelled anything like them 🤣🤣🤣

@gjones aren’t they 😍 well Shelley warmed me they had a skunk scent and I’m unhappy to say she was spot on! It’s the most pungent musky stench ever 😫

@sieveheadsarah you must! They’re amazing to watch grow, sooo fast! Impressive looking towers 🧡

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😁 yours are waiting to steal the show 😉😍

@lovemygarden65 even better from a distance, so you can’t smell them! 🤣 it’s a fragrance you don’t forget isn’t it 🥴

@alan1111 thank you Alan 😛 was worth it for the photo but don’t think I wanna share airspace with it too frequently 🤣
Early Spring 2020

#crown-imperial #fritillaria-imperialis


@auricula thank you Elise 😀

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😃

Almost there tomorrow maybe 😊

@alan1111 I’m hoping so 😁 they stink already though 🤣

Luckily you can enjoy them from a distance 😅

@alan1111 between them and the hyacinths my nostrils are being tortured 😜

Do you not like the smell of the hyacinths

@alan1111 I do but those and lilies give me headache 😫

Oh no! Lilies can get a bit overpowering I have tree lilies and in their best year four plants gave me 93 flowers their scent was to heavy for comfort

@alan1111 93??? Wow! You really have a knack of getting your plants to flower! It’s a proper heavy scent isn’t it. Lovely but I can’t begin to imagine what 93 smelled like 🤪
Late Winter 2020

#crown-imperial #fritillaria-imperialis

Those buds are really fattening up well 👍


@gjones I wonder why they don’t do well for you 🤔 these didn’t flower last year so am happy to see 2 of the 3 bulbs with buds 😁

@jeatacake they grow insanely fast don’t they!! Have never seen these in flower in person before 😜 have lived a very sheltered life 🤣

@ShelleySnyder they’re an impressive looking thing! Must stand a couple of feet high now 😜

They are very impressive looking but watch out for the smell Kerry!🤭💘😍

They do grow fast & I'm hoping mine won't dilly dally either, especially as far as flowering goes. You & me both Kerry well in my case, as far as my own ones go 😏

@ShelleySnyder I had no idea they had a smell, let alone a bad one 😜😂😂 thank you for the warning, I’ll be moving them away from the path tomorrow 🤣

@cyndi they fascinate me! Don’t look real 😂 can’t wait for them to open, although I’ll be holding my nose when photographing them now I know they stink 🤣

@jeatacake they’ll be up and open in no time 😛 first time flowers are exciting 😁

They certainly are & yours promise to be beauties 🧡 I can't remember what colour mine are meant to be. Could be orange too?🤔
Late Winter 2020

Buds! 🥳 #crown-imperial #fritillaria-imperialis

Wow that's very advanced. Mine have not long started to come up again. 👍

@jeatacake they shoot up once they get started don’t they! They didn’t even produce buds last year so was very happy to find them 😁 in couple of weeks I look forward to seeing yours in bud 😛

Blimey mine are still underground....😆

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it’s just shot up from nowhere! 3 weeks from bare soil to this 😜 giving amaryllises a run for their money 😉

They do & hoping mine shortly will too. Also, mine didn't flower last year either, so seeing yours gives me a bit more encouragement. Keeping 🤞🤞

@jeatacake strange that yours didn’t either 🤔 everything crossed we both get blooming beauties 😉

Cheers Kerry. I must check for any buds forming tomorrow 🙏

Wow that’s amazing 😉 👍🏼

Had a look at mine earlier & it's just leaves at the moment. Saw some nice ones in bud at our market this morning & somehow managed to resist temptation! 😇

@jeatacake you’re a stronger man than me! 😂

Having nowhere to put them had a bit to do with it! 😄
Late Winter 2020

#crown-imperial #fritillaria-imperialis

That is very exciting 🚀

@awomanonabike they really do grow so fast! Hoping for flowers on them this year though 😂

@cyndi they’re definitely impressive looking things! Think they’ve multiplied since last year too 🤔

I hope so too. After seeing yours I went to see what mine are doing and they are shooting up too 🚀 🚀 🚀

@awomanonabike love how seeing other people’s photos on here reminds you of things you have in the garden that you’d forgotten about 😂 like getting a whole new plant again 😛

😂 You’re right. It’s one of the many good things about this app 😊

These are such impressive flowers

@lesliecole49 I agree 😁 just hoping mine get flowers this year 😜😂
Late Winter 2019

The rate these things grow at 🤪

@kez001uk how big is your family’s garden

@wtwitchell6969 my garden isn’t too big, just crammed full 😂

Oh ok 💐

@gjones thank you Katy 😁 I’ve seen a fair few on here that have flowered already so hopefully won’t be long 😁

The encyclopedia showing some gorgeous flowers !!! New to me

@sherrisgarden new to me too 😁 excited to see them though, beautiful plants 😍

Yes !! Should be fun to watch them grow.
Late Winter 2019


@gjones they aren’t a fan of the cold I take it? I only got these last autumn so looking forward to seeing them grow 🤞🏼

@gjones that’s such a shame 😟 they do look very impressive when they’re in full bloom 😍

@cyndi they do look stunning, and grow so fast too!!! Thanks for the greenhouse tip ☺️

@cyndi I’m with you on that! Only so much we can have with limited space and money - I’m fast running out of both 🤣🤣🤣

@cyndi I think we are all guilty of trying 😂 but there’s worse things we could be doing 😜

@cyndi anywhere you can grow, grow something 😉 it’s really a hobby that makes life better ☺️

I’m with you both @cyndi @kez001uk when we moved here knowing I’m not getting any younger we opted for not too large a garden. It was all grass when we arrived - it shrinks every year! Life is good with a garden!

I just bang a big hand full of dry rabbit straw over the top in autumn and they seem to be sound in spring. One of my all time favourite bulbous plants... omg and the smell is absolutely beautiful! #Highlife 😉🤩😎 lol

@valjones-hughes all I used to have was lawn but over 2 years it’s strangely reduced to a small square 🤣😂🤣 the more plants the better 😁

@Sephy guinea pig hay will come in useful then 😛 I wondered if they were scented. They’re too gorgeous not to be! Can’t wait to see them flower for the first time. Can see why they’re one of your favourites 😁
#crown-imperial #fritillaria-imperialis
So very pretty. Love the colour and the veining. 🧡🤍🧡
Great colour….🔥🔥🔥
Fabulous 🧡
@emch @hkyfvr @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @juliesgarden thanks ladies ☺️ can’t help but love these big bright blooms 🧡
Very welcome 🧡