Hosta 'White Feather'
Plantain Lily 'White Feather'
Early Spring 2024
- 6
Mid Spring 2023
- 12
Mid Spring 2022
- 18
Mid Spring 2021
- 44
Early Spring 2021
- 13
Late Spring 2020
- 11
Mid Spring 2020
- 23
Mid Spring 2020
- 15
Early Spring 2020
- 26
Late Summer 2019
- 11
Early Summer 2019
- 11
Late Spring 2019
- 6
Mid Spring 2019
- 26
Early Autumn 2018
- 12
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 4
Early Autumn 2018
- 7
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 4
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 4
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Late Spring 2018
- 0

Hosta 'White Feather'
Early Spring 2024
Mid Spring 2023

Do love its creepiness at this stage 😱🫣😅 #hosta #plantain-lily #hosta-white-feather #foliagefriday

It is very pretty and growing well. A ghostly hue to it 😄

I really can’t decide whether I like this or not, it’s fascinating though 🤍🤍🤍

I like this one , so different 🤍

I’m a little unsure on this one, I feel it needs some iron 😂

@hkyfvr it needs to start growing in October so it can be spooky for Halloween 👻

@columbiariver @juliesgarden thanks ladies 😊 it’s at its whitest right now but already getting damaged by the rain. It’s not a very strong plant 😜

@pelly it’s definitely a marmite hosta 😂 does green up eventually though so only have the anaemic look for a while 🤣

@italydiva it does look deficient in just about everything 😆


I love these ghostly hostas!

@jeatacake they’re crazy looking aren’t they 😜 bringing spooky season forward a few months 😂
Mid Spring 2022

The ghostly hosta is back again 👻 #hosta #plantain-lily #hosta-white-feather #foliagefriday

Every year you surprise me with this one 👻😂😂

Mines gone green straight away, I need to move it to better shade I think.

Very lovely foliage. It does look feathery. 😍😍

I don’t think mine has made an appearance yet! I must check tomorrow 🤞

@KOutdoors @pelly @hkyfvr it still surprises me when those white leaves start opening 😂 hoping it scares the slimy ones so they leave it alone this year 🤞🏻

@DeborahBanks this is in a mostly shaded position and it seems to like it there. Hope yours does better after the move ☺️

@jacaranda I hope it has 🤞🏻 your Hostas are always impressive 🤩

That would be awesome. I have a light coloured one and they left it alone last year. 🤞🤞

@hkyfvr perhaps they’re not so interested when it isn’t bright green 🤔

I wonder 🤔

@hkyfvr that would mean they’re fussy though 🤪
Mid Spring 2021

Not exactly #hostachallenge worthy but love it’s creepy colourless leaves 🤍 #hosta #plantain-lily #hosta-white-feather #foliagefriday

Now that you mention it, this is a #totallygoth plant. It would look super cool with a stand of Monotropa uniflora...

I'll have a tissue please thank you 😂👍🏻

I reme this from last year, it really is a bit creepy 😱😂😂

I must see if mine have reappeared. I think they are a bit lost in the border and better in a pot. I might relocate them.

Good one @ublaszko 🤣

Wow! I love creepy! Getting bigger and better for you! I think it's hosta challenge worthy for sure!💘😍

I really like these. I think the foliage gets whiter as the season progresses. My raspberry one is in the mail. The cold weather delayed it. Think this rates a shot in the hosta challenge 🤍🤍🤍🤍

Give it a few more days and it will be more than ready for the challenge, Kerry! 👍😘


@emch I had to look that one up 😳 but wow! What a plant! Would look great growing with this 🤍👻🤍

@ublaszko 🤣🤧 Elaine said it looks like filo pastry 😆
Early Spring 2021

#hosta #plantain-lily #hosta-white-feather

Never have seen a white feather hosta before.

Saw these Hostas in the Brecks catalogue. They are lovely. I ordered raspberry sundae. Should be here any day. 👍❤️😍

Ooo exciting! I’ll have to go check on mine.

Love to see new growth like this 👍

@kelsey92 it’s amazing looking once the leaves start to unfurl 🤍

@hkyfvr I just looked up Raspberry Sundae 😍😍😍 it’s going to be beautiful 😋 will be adding it to my wish list!

@richard.spicer.7906 I hope yours has its zombie fingers sticking out of the ground 😅

@jeatacake it’s the strangest hosta but can’t wait for those white leaves 😍

Thanks so much Kerry. How kind of you to say that. So glad you added it to your wish list. Hope it comes tomorrow 💗😍

@hkyfvr the pinky/red stems on the leaves made me do it 🤭 and the flowers are beautiful too! A nice chance from the white ones you mostly see 😋 looking forward to seeing your photos 😁

Hope the ghostly leaves frighten off the slugs & snails! 👻
Late Spring 2020

#hosta #plantain-lily #hosta-white-feather #hostaholic

#wildchild These are so cool and fun looking!


Are these the ghostly ones? 👻

@jmlincoln it’s a great one 😛 love how it changes through the growing season 💚

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😀 looking very different now it’s getting its summer colours 😛

@jeatacake they are 😛 it’s turning more Slimer from Ghostbusters now 😉🤣

Yep! Beginning to green up some! Still gorgeous!💘😍


I want this one and Lipstick Blonde. Can't find them! :( Such a great looking plant!!

@TexasTanya I’d not heard of Lipstick Blonde but just googled it and WOW! Even the flowers on it are stunning!
Mid Spring 2020

#hosta #plantain-lily #hosta-white-feather #hostaholic

Looks great with the sun on it 💛🤍💛

Ah now here, I'm actually very annoyed at @alan1111 never telling me about a white hosta that just looks like the prettiest thing I've ever seen, if I seen an angel, I think I'd like this more.

Love it! One of my favorites! Even if I can't grow it!🤷💘😍

It is amazing, but I do wonder how it photosynthesises being white? Must have a different version of chlorophyll? 🤔

@suerichards thanks Sue 😀 it almost glows 🤩

@jamescallifer it’s gorgeous isn’t it 🤍 especially at this stage. Will start to turn green soon 😜

@ShelleySnyder I can barely grow any others 😂 always a chance to try again in the future 😉

@jeatacake an unusual one for sure! Does turn much more green after a while but makes you wonder how it gets to that point 🤯

It must be able to store a lot of carbohydrates in its roots to power the growth until it can fully photosynthesis 🤔

@jeatacake I have to agree because I’ve no idea what any of it means 😂 chlorophyll and photosynthesis is all I remember from biology lessons 🙈

That's all you need to know. The most important process on the planet! 🍃🌍
Mid Spring 2020

Flowers on the way 🤍💜🤍 #hosta #plantain-lily #hosta-white-feather #foliagefriday

Wow! I like that. So unusual. Is it easy to grow?

@awomanonabike isn’t it different 😛 I’ve never had any problems with it but I just leave it alone mostly. It’s in mostly shade, just fed and watered and it’s the 3rd year it’s returned. It changes a fair bit over the summer, if you scroll back you can see it goes a marbled green/white eventually 💚

It looks wonderful and the flowers are so tall. Wishlisted!

@awomanonabike makes a nice chance from most you see. If I can manage to successfully divide it I’ll let you know 😉

It really does but please don’t try unless you need to 😊

Wow that’s wonderful 💚

And seems to be getting left alone by the slugs & snails 👍 Maybe they're scared of ghosts? 😉😁

That’s really unusual Kerry I can’t wait to see the flowers..

@awomanonabike I probably do after it dies back this year. I’ll keep you in mind when I do ☺️

@sabbanrula thanks Rula 😊 think it’s my favourite hosta 😋

@jeatacake 😂 you could be right! Something is keeping them away, just hope it continues to 😂👻
Early Spring 2020

#hosta #plantain-lily #hosta-white-feather

Very nice...👍🏼

😁😂😁 They make me laugh with those white leaves 😂 They look like tissues 😉

There's that beauty I've killed 5 times!😭💘😍

Beautiful @kez001uk

Unusual variation.. great condition

They look so unusual. Like ghosts emerging out of the ground 👻

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom and no holes as yet 🤞🏻🐌

@ublaszko they do! Think they look like growing loo rolls 🤣

@ShelleySnyder oh no 😦 it’s one worth having but works out expensive to have 5 😜

@phyl1978 thank you Phyl 😀

@solly1961 thanks Mark 😃 it’s lovely how much it changes throughout the season but is unusual at this stage 😅
Late Summer 2019

Wow! This looks like it's happy! I have tried to grow this 3 times and no success! You have the touch Kerry!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder that means a lot coming from you Shelley🙏🏻 I must admit I do very little with this one. Sat in a mostly shady spot and seems to do ok. Just not very white though 😂

Aww! You're sweet! When I got mine it did say it would eventually turn to a paleish green by end of season, so I guess that's why the white has left 🤷💘😍

That's a fine big plant Kerry not a sign of a nibble

@ShelleySnyder that makes sense then. This started off weird and curly white and has gradually darkened

@cyndi thank you Cyndi 😁

@alan1111 thanks Alan 😄 I put it down to wool pellets. They’ve saved a few of my hostas 🐑

@gjones thanks Katy 😃

Everything I read said it would do that so fear not it's doing great!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I’m glad to hear it as I do love this hosta 😍 appreciate ya Shelley 😁

My pleasure Kerry!💘😍
Early Summer 2019

Looks like one of my guinea pigs with wings 😂 #wildlifewednesday

It does as well! 😆

Looks like it's fast asleep! 🐝

@cyndi he was huge! Had to check he was still breathing too 😜

@scaryskates might have to dress up the pigs for next wildlife Wednesday 😂

@rachelbrooks I swear it was nearly as big too 😜🤥🤣

@1535mgraham2 thanks Melissa ☺️


@jeatacake think it was til I poked him 🙈

@gjones thanks Katy 😀 he was too cute 💛🖤

@telswirld my black & white guinea pig is always pee stained so he’d make a good bumble bee 😆
Late Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019

Don’t know what’s going on with this but looks terrible. Not being eaten, just coming through all gnarly 😜 #foliagefriday

Better than what mine did! It didn't come up at all! Tried two of them to!😡💘😍

That's so weird! 😯 Not seen one before.

It certainly doesn't look right does it 🤔🤔

🤭 could be an albino....😲

That looks the same as my dads and eventually as the leafs Got bigger the stem bit went slightly green.... Looks exciting 😃

Never seen before... Looks unique...👌👌

@ShelleySnyder I’m sorry Shelley ☹️ they’d have been a great addition to your shade garden 😍

@gjones hope yours show up 🤞🏻 it’s a great colour but kinda looks like them waving inflatable things outside of car dealerships 🤣🤣🤣

@jeatacake it’s really strange isn’t it 😂 grew perfectly and flowered last year but doing something else altogether this year 🤣

@pelly it’s like it can’t open properly and the edges dry to a crisp even though it’s in shade 😕

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom created a new hosta 😉
Early Autumn 2018

Finally 🤩

@cyndi thanks Cyndi 😁 love the new Duke-themed profile photo 😍

@gjones thank you ☺️ I thought they’d be white in the end but they’re pretty much lilac in person. The flower spike must stand over 5’ but the flowers are only about an inch long. And they hang down so it’s a pain to photograph 🤣

😍😍😍 And it's a beauty! Lovely shade of purple lilac 💜

@gjones not bad for a plant less than a year old 😊

@ublaszko thanks 😁 it’s a perfect one for you 😋

Gorgeous flowers 🌹🌹

@pelly thanks Jane 😁 I forgot to stake them though so doubt they’ll be much of anything after this wind 😟

I hope they survive Kerry 😍😍

@pelly thank you ☺️ is your garden holding up ok so far?

It looked fine when I got home from work Kerry, but I spent quite a long time staking and moving pots etc yesterday, thanks @kez001uk 👍👍

@pelly I’m glad to hear that 😁
Early Autumn 2018

@gjones me too, and there’s another flower spike I’m hopeful will get to open 🤞🏻
Early Autumn 2018

Looks purple to me...😆👌🏼

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 think you’re white 😉😂🤣 (best I could think of 😜)

@kez001uk nice one..👍🏼😄

@gjones the bottom ones have 😁 I’ll post a photo 😛
Early Autumn 2018

@columbiariver thanks Laura 😁 it has taken its time to flower but have 2 spikes now 😁 just want it to open already 😂

@gjones it’s driving me insane 🤣 can’t be much longer surely 🤞🏻

Has it opened yet?

@ublaszko nope 😩 one flower has split slightly so it’s almost there i hope 🤞🏻

Hosta flowers have been great this year. 😍😍

@ublaszko a couple finally opened ☺️

Woohoo! 😀😀
Early Autumn 2018

@gjones it’s testing my patience 😂 I go out every day to check it and it’s moving at a snails pace 🤣 I’d love them to be purple 😍 for some reason I expected they’d be white
Early Autumn 2018

@gjones I’m hoping so because it’s getting really cold here now and think it may get frost before flowers 😕

@gjones me too. Has another baby flower spike that has just appeared so that’ll never get to open so this one has to! 😂

I’m willing it to open....🙏🏼😆

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom think it’s working 😉 that and the sun today 😛
Late Summer 2018
Late Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

I’m glad to see yours is looking as green as mine 😉

@richard.spicer.7906 I just read the link you posted about these on your feed. I had wondered why it turned green, now I know! At least it’s white early in the season 😂 it’s still lovely but not quite the plant they lead you to believe you’re buying 🙄

Yeah, a little marketing ploy I reckon to make us all gullible and go out and buy it!! I’m gonna give mine a couple of years grace and see if I still like it then. Mines terribly small - really struggled to get it to grow and it’s only about a quarter of the size of yours. The nursery I got it from really must have sent a very small division. Hoping for a late summer growth spur 🤞🏼

@richard.spicer.7906 mostly the bigger places too, oversell and underwhelm. And from reading that link it’s always going to turn green eventually so will play havoc with a colour scheme (which I don’t have fortunately - complete lack of an artistic eye 😅). I hope yours comes good, but mine is maybe a bit stronger for making it through the beastly winter. It’s the only one of 4 that is really flourishing though
Early Summer 2018
Late Spring 2018
#hosta #plantain-lily #hosta-white-feather #foliagefriday
That’s looking great! 💚
Wow 🤩
Very nice Kerry 😍
Looking good Kerry 😍