Zantedeschia rehmannii
Calla Lily
Mid Summer 2022
- 5
Early Summer 2022
- 13
Early Summer 2022
- 11
Late Spring 2022
- 6
Late Summer 2021
- 7
Mid Summer 2021
- 5
Early Summer 2021
- 10
Early Summer 2021
- 6
Early Summer 2020
- 46
Late Spring 2019
- 14
Early Summer 2018
- 27
Early Summer 2018
- 2

Zantedeschia rehmannii
Mid Summer 2022
Early Summer 2022

#calla-lily #arum-lily #zantedeschia

Love these but have had no success with them unfortunately 💜💗💜

Amazing flowers. Love the colours. So many too. 💜💗

Absolutely perfect example 😍💜😍💜

@gjones @hkyfvr @jeatacake @KOutdoors thank you muchly 😊 another plant that has outdone itself this year 🖤 seems the more I leave a plant alone the better it does 🤣

@pelly that’s such a shame 😞 didn’t do well with this to start with but after I gave up and just left it outside all year round it’s been much better 🖤

Very welcome. Isn’t that always the way things go. 😆😂

Thriving on neglect as so many plants do 😂

@hkyfvr it’s no good for my self esteem when even my plants want to be left alone 🫣😆

@pelly just wish they’d make it more obvious before they’re killed with kindness 😆

I think they suffer from pouty plant syndrome. Next we will have plant psychiatrists. 😳🤣😂

@hkyfvr that’s when we will know for sure the world is going barmy 🤣
Early Summer 2022

🖤💜 #calla-lily #arum-lily #zantedeschia

Beautiful #darkflowers

Beautiful foliage and flowers. Love the dark colour. 💜🖤

Ooo love these Kerry 💜🖤💜

Beautiful! I love Calla lily's! 💘😍

Very dark and mysterious 👌

Love them 💜👌

Wow! They're looking good 💚💜💚

@KOutdoors @gjones @novicegardenlover @hkyfvr @topiarytragedy @ShelleySnyder @anges @mich @jeatacake thank you all ☺️ it’s never looked so good or flowered so well! Counted 10 flowers today 😛 so pleased!

My pleasure Kerry!💘😍

Always welcome Kerry. So happy you have that many blooms. 💜🖤
Late Spring 2022

Already 5 flower buds 🖤 #calla-lily #arum-lily #zantedeschia


Can’t wait to see these Kerry. Fantastic foliage 💚🖤

@maldavis @hkyfvr thank you both 😀 surprises me every year when it pops out of the soil 😂 they grow so fast 😜

Very welcome. They do grow so fast. 😊

@KOutdoors you can find a space for one, I’m sure 😉😉
Late Summer 2021

This has decided to flower again 😍🖤 #calla-lily #arum-lily #zantedeschia

It is beautiful. Love the colour. Mine did not flower this year. Wonder why ? 👍😊

@hkyfvr thank you Diane 😀 was a lovely surprise to find it in bloom again 😛 did you just get leaves and no flowers?

Very welcome. Just lots of foliage. Not sure I want to overwinter it inside again if it does not flower. 🤷♀️🤔🤔

@hkyfvr I remember the same happened with mine the year after I got it. Then the next year I repotted it and gave me 1 bloom. Then this year I’ve had 4 after reporting again 😛 think they’re a fussy one so if you can overwinter it you might have better luck next year 🤞🏻

Thanks Kerry. Not sure what I will do yet. It does need repotting 🤷♀️

@hkyfvr could be just as easy to buy one next year, save on overwintering another plant 😛
Mid Summer 2021

🖤 #calla-lily #arum-lily #zantedeschia #lilylove

I think we have some of these about to open

@BugglePop they’re a great looking plant 😍 look forward to seeing what colours you have 😁


@sushiwaitress 🖤🖤
Early Summer 2021

#calla-lily #arum-lily #zantedeschia

Fabulous 🖤🖤🖤

Wow. What a beautiful colour. Mine are yellow. Will bloom soon I hope. Love yours. 👍😍

@jeatacake thank Jeff 😄

@hkyfvr thanks Diane 😃 wouldn’t the yellow & black look so good together 😮💛🖤

They sure would. Mine started with a few tiny leaves in April and has grown so quickly I can’t believe it. Did yours grow fast? Hoping for flowers soon 💛💛🖤

@hkyfvr mine was the same and think it’s the rain that brings it on so fast. Was nothing and then a full pot! Spotted a 3rd flower tonight too 😁 can’t wait to see yours 💛

Thanks Kerry. I just moved it close to the house as another storm is coming. My petunias and roses are soggy and droopy. I deadheaded a lot between storms. Everything looked so pretty earlier. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. 👍😍

@hkyfvr those fragile flowers can’t take much rain, let alone all you’ve been having 😔 need to fast forward to the weekend and some fun for you & the garden 🙏🏻

@gjones it’s so deep 🖤 and spotted a third flower on the way 😁
Early Summer 2021

😍 #calla-lily #arum-lily #zantedeschia

This looks exciting!!

@jmlincoln there are 2 flowers on it now 😁 struggled getting it to flower but send it just wanted a bigger pot 😅

Plant mama to the rescue! It's a gift we have caring for plants, ya know. Not everyone understands their needs 🤗

@jmlincoln my Nan always used to say gardening is a gift 💚 love that sentiment because it truly is a gift in many ways 🥰

Aww I love that @kez001uk
Early Summer 2020

It finally flowered again 🖤 #calla-lily #arum-lily #zantedeschia

Oh this is to die for! So beautifully dark and moody 🖤

I thought I didn’t like calls lilies but that is 👌🖤

So your telling me this has a black flower with green leaves?

Incredibly exotic colour

Mine hasn't even sprouted leaves... mine need to dig it up and check I planted it the right side up 🙈

I seriously want this plant ha

That's a perticly nice one colour great plants so little looking after

Stunning colour 😍

Really deep Queen of the night colour 💜💜🖤🖤

Well done. I've never even had one come back after winter, let alone flower again 👍💜

@louiseperkin86 thanks Louise 😊 wasn’t sure it would come back this colour but I’m happy it has, after a 2 year wait 😂
Late Spring 2019

New growth 😁 didn’t think I’d get this grow again so happy it’s back 💚

Omg I keep forgetting to plant mine 😰 I hope it's not too late. I only just planted some of my gladioli at 11pm 😅 I'm a couple of weeks behind this year.

@ublaszko least you’ll have flowers after the rest of us have nothing 😉 it’s only just sprouted so you should have time to get yours in the ground 😁

Hope it's not too late. Last year I planted the 2nd batch of gladioli too late and they didn't flower. I suppose I could bring it inside if it gets too cold and it hasn't flowered yet 😅

@ublaszko I just read you should wait until the risk of frost is over and soil has warmed up before planting calla lily bulbs. Seems like you’ve timed it perfectly 😉 at least you’ll get to see your un-flowered gladioli this year 😛

I pulled them up 😂😂 I bought the same ones again this year. They're called gladiolus 'White Prosperity' 😍😍 A bit unfortunate name 😰 I will plant my calla lilies tonight if there's still some light at 9pm 😁

The soil has definitely warmed up now. My potatoes are growing in front of your eyes right now 😆😆

@ublaszko Urszula! 😂 I looked them up and they’re very pretty. Don’t have any white ones myself. Wishing for daylight when you’re done with work 😛 love potato flowers 😍 sounds like you’re not far off getting some!

I work late on Tuesdays so it's been nice for the past 2-3 weeks to get home and still to have a bit of light to go straight to the garden 😊 It also means Pudgy gets to go in the garden and dusk is her favourite time to be out in the garden 😻 @kez001uk

@ublaszko it’s great to have extended garden time 😛 although after a shift ending at 9pm I don’t know how you have the energy! Does pudgy enjoy a moth chase by any chance? 😂

I didn't have the energy 😁 I got home and saw Pudgy had knocked over a pot with my cobea seedling and I ended up kissing her face and hugging her. That was her punishment 😅 Hoping the seedling is still going to survive 😰

@ublaszko that kind of punishment will have the rspca after you! 🤣 I hope your penstemon will be ok 🤞🏻
Early Summer 2018

Now I regret I didn't get one when I had the chance 😅

Fabulous colour 💜

@jeatacake thank you Jeff 😀 it’s sold as an indoor plant though :/

@ublaszko my first one, supermarket temptation again 😂 maybe this might be an extra when you go compost shopping 😉😉

They are hardyish, but I've never had much luck with them

Good to know they are borderline hardy @jeatacake I won't spent too much on them then and will just get a Wilko pack 😉

@jeatacake I’ve got no chance then 🤣🤣🤣

@gjones thank you 😊 gift from the grandparents 👴🏼👵🏼

Lovely Colours

@gauravsh6 thank you 😁

You could be I g them in or protect from frost. Keeping them on the dry side I think is also vital too over winter. They've no chance here in cold wet clay soil @kez001uk & @ublaszko 🤒

@jeatacake another addition to the greenhouse over winter then 👍🏼 oh no, that’s a shame 😐
Still flowering away 🖤💜🖤 #calla-lily #arum-lily #zantedeschia
Still looking amazing 💜💚
Simply beautiful!💘😍
@hkyfvr @gjones @ShelleySnyder thanks lovely ladies 🥰 never lasts this well but I’m learning the value of pot saucers finally 🙈🤣
My pleasure Kerry!💘😍