Zantedeschia rehmannii
Calla Lily
Early Summer 2017
- 7
Mid Summer 2016
- 3
Early Summer 2016
- 8
Early Summer 2016
- 3
Early Summer 2016
- 1
Early Summer 2016
- 2
Late Spring 2016
- 9

Zantedeschia rehmannii
Early Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2016

Glad to see more flower heads materialistic! So majestic!

Very elegant

Early Summer 2016

One leaning lilly 😃

Love this shot !

This is such a lovely capture!

Stunning photo Sylvia 😊😊😊😊

Fab pic😍

Fab pic 👌🏻📸👌🏻

Lovely photo

Gawjus 💖
Early Summer 2016

An illustration of peace and purity!

Beautiful. Very much lacking in the world - outside of gardens!

Beautiful @SylviaDavies
Early Summer 2016

Sorry can't resist!
Early Summer 2016

Pure and Perfectect in white!

A beauty 👌
Late Spring 2016

The lilies are slowly recovering after the late frost! Hopefully not too long before the flowers come!

Would love to grow these are they good in Clay? ?

I think they grow in clay just have to be careful as they're not hardy!

They may not be hardy but they die back in winter here and mine are about at the same stage as yours!😃 I live at the very top of Ireland and have very harsh weather

Thanks for tips 😊😊😉

I think they would be ok as mine like water but you would need to remove in winter as they don't like frost. If thou put enough compost/grit around the roots perhaps, that's what I've done in my clay area and plants are doing better!

Think one of my favourite plants @SylviaDavies can't wait to divide mine @SylviaDavies I grow mine in clay @kpnutz3350 I believe there are 2 types: one with solid colour leaf and white flower which is hardy; then one with mottled leaves which comes in variety of colours egg, purple, pink, orange, yellow which are frost tender. I leave my white ones in the garden and I'm in Cambs which may make the difference not sure. Other in pot so I can protect in winter.

Thanks for tips @titchyfra & @SylviaDavies

I know locals here in n. Wales often lose them if they don't dig them up for winter. Enjoy!
Purity! #white
Beautiful 😍
@SylviaDavies great combo!!💘😍
These are beautiful. What is that with them?
Hi @lesliecole49 its #loosestrife if you want any gap filling try this! Beware, its rampant! I was given some when I moved and it has resulted in splashes of yellow all over the garden. I do love it. Ive now returned the favour and given loads of it to friends!
I thought maybe so, thanks Sylvia. @SylviaDavies
The Calla Lily r loved over her but it's hard to be successful with them at least in the south... it gets so hot. And look your telling Leslie how the grow ramped It funny how here we'd like things you have and visa versa!!!!! They are stunning and a lot bigger than any I've ever seen. A lot of women here have calla lilies in their wedding