I’ve lost this little guys tag! I don’t know what he is anymore but I think he’s some sort of Echeveria or Echeveria hybrid? Can you help me identify this plant? #help #id #succulent-id-help #help-id #succulent #bestoffeb #bestoffebruary
@plantobsessions thankyou! I had this thought a while back but thought the leaf shape wasn’t right. Now I look at it again I see it straight away. I don’t know what I was thinking! 😂
I’ve lost this little guys tag! I don’t know what he is anymore but I think he’s some sort of Echeveria or Echeveria hybrid? Can you help me identify this plant? #help #id #succulent-id-help #help-id #succulent #bestoffeb #bestoffebruary
Looks like a Pachyphytum compactum imo 💕
@plantobsessions thankyou! I had this thought a while back but thought the leaf shape wasn’t right. Now I look at it again I see it straight away. I don’t know what I was thinking! 😂
#pachyphytum-compactum #pachyphytum #compactum
Lol you’re very welcome! ☺️