Early Summer 2018
- 13
Early Summer 2018
- 9
Early Summer 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 10
Late Winter 2018
- 21

Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

A close-up of the beautiful dancing queen💃👑. #gladioli #macro. 07.10.18

Ooooohhhhweeee!! She is a queen alright!!💘😍

Oh my that's lovely 😍💖

Beautiful colour 💕

That’s s a fab glad Kim. Mine are slow this year. 💓

OMG so so Red They are amazing 👍🏻😅☺️😂🤗🤗👍🏻😊💕

Thanks @terrimclaughlin @ShelleySnyder @jendren @Cyndi @Keely @suerichards @gjones

Thanks @ukjohnny

Early Summer 2018

The glads are blooming!💖. She's a true beauty queen. #beautyofnature #beautyqueen #beautifulbloom #kimguy2018 07.10.18

And a 🎶🎵 dancing Queen!🎶🎵 💘😍

Now I've got that d××× song in my head Shelley! @ShelleySnyder

@lesliecole49 oh good!! Hehehehe!😛😂💘😍

Thanks a lot Shelley. It won't leave my head either💃👑 @ShelleySnyder. @lesliecole49
Early Spring 2018

Glads gifted to me by @cyndi. #mygtfriendsrock #sharingiscaring #plantfairy #flowerfriend #minenow #digdigdig #outsideplant #kimguy2018.

Wow! Are you feeding them small children and neighborhood pets!?😂💘😍

Are they rooting in water?

No, they are in soil @KariSamuel

Shhh, someone might actually notice the children missing. Lol @ShelleySnyder

@kimguy I'm not telling! Is your hood quieter?🤣🤣💘😍

So far🙉 @ShelleySnyder

@kimguy 😂😂😂😂💘😍

Love the plant!! But I really love that vase on that table in the background👏👏👍🏻😯😯😯😊💕

Or is it a lamp there to the top left sort of???😊💕
Late Winter 2018

3 more weeks until #planting #glads #gladiolabulbs #digdigdig #kimsgarden2018 #kimguy2018

3 minute planting, that makes me chuckle @kimguy

3 minute planting!? It takes 5 minutes to get the package open! So that shoots that all to hell!😂😂💘😍

Isn't that always the case?! You are so right @ShelleySnyder ! Very pretty glads.

@lovestogarden it is always the case!😂😂💘😍

Thanks! I hope that they do well! 3 minute planning is a laugh . 5 minutes looking for the package. 3 min. looking for the bulbs I dropped. Another 3 min. looking for the package and so on from there. LOL!!! @lovestogarden. @tinaaune. @ShelleySnyder

Instructions!! Go figure!😂😂💘😍

@columbiariver or finally getting the bag ripped open only for the bulbs to go flying!😂😂💘😍

@columbiariver @kimguy that would be so fun!! The hubs would hear us from a distance an d come over rolling his eyes saying OMG you aren't getting anything done! You're busy giggling like little girls - I'm outta here!😂😂😂💘😍

@columbiariver 😂😂😂💘😍

Mine would ask what we were laughing at and when told it does not translate to a guy, he would just turn and go back inside. 😂❤ @ShelleySnyder @columbiariver @kimguy @tinaaune

Oh, and we just could not go garden shopping together...waaaaaay too dangerous! 😂 💰💹💳💰
Well I'm back from my no WiFi 'vacation'. I've got a lot of catching up to do! Here is another gorgeous glad. #gladioli #ilovemygarden #kim2018 07.22.18
Thanks @cyndi. I missed this site, all my friends and the wonderful posts.
She’s so pretty. I love Gladioli their just so pretty and y’all and last a good while! Hope u had fun😊💕
A beaut of a glad!! @kimguy
What a beautiful color!
Welcome back Partner! Beautiful glad!💘😍
Thanks @cyndi
Hi Terri, I didn't go anywhere. My Wi-Fi was down for a week. Lol. @terrimclaughlin
Thanks @saco @gjones @travelgirl25 . This one is amazing!
Thanks Partner! I didn't miss the phone ringing. Lol @ShelleySnyder
I bet not!😂💘😍