Tradescantia fluminensis
Late Autumn 2018
Early Spring 2018

#giftsfromeva #indoorplants #kimguy2018 #greenwanderingjew
#giftsfromeva #indoorplants #kimguy2018 #greenwanderingjew
I think it's about time to start hanging plants! I have the hangers, now I need to put them up. I love this birdie pot! #greenwanderingjew #indoorplant #getthehangersup #birdieplanter #kimguy2018 12.19.18
That is a cool pot!💘😍
Thanks partner😎💜 @shelleysnyder
Welcome partner! Received your card, thank you very much!!🎅🎄💘😍
You are very welcome! We had a wonderful year didn't we!🌹🌾🌸🌲🌼🌱 @shelleysnyder
Yes we did! With wonderful friends!!🤗💘😍
Absolutely! @ShelleySnyder