Tradescantia zebrina syn. Tradescantia tricolor, Tradescantia zebrina pendula, Tradescantia pendula
Silver Inch Plant
Late Autumn 2018
- 4
Early Spring 2018
- 6

Tradescantia zebrina syn. Tradescantia tricolor, Tradescantia zebrina pendula, Tradescantia pendula
Late Autumn 2018
Early Spring 2018

#rooting-water gifted to me by @cyndi #sharingiscaring #mygtfriendsrock #kindnessmatters #propagationprocess #giftoffriendship #giftfromcyndi

Should root pretty fast, mine has!😁💘😍

I’m wondering because Hannahcristine‘s Dad bought her a beautiful hanging pot of those. She gave me a few cuttings and cyndi too and now maybe cyndi gave u some too. Sooo cool how we share. Be careful their very fragile. I would keep turning them back into the pot and covering with more dirt to get it to get full. After a couple days once they perk up I’d dip them in rooting hormone have ur hole ready and put it down a good inch at the inside edge of pot

Thanks for the info Terry! Yes it it nice to know we get around. Lol!👍💚😎💜 @terrimclaughlin

Thanks😎💜 @ShelleySnyder

Welcome Kim!!💘😍
Tradescantia shares the owl planter with the regular Wandering Jew. They get along quite well. #imoutofpots #wanderingjew-tradescantia-zebrina. #purpleheart #owlplanter #indoor-plants #kimguy2018 12.19.18
If all else fails, plant plants together I say!🙂💘😍
I agree. You must share until you get your own room, I mean pot! Lol @shelleysnyder