Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera
Late Winter 2023
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 4
Late Summer 2017
- 3
Late Summer 2017
- 2
Late Summer 2017
- 7
Late Summer 2017
- 5
Late Winter 2017
- 6
Late Winter 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2016
- 5
Mid Summer 2016
- 3
Early Summer 2016
- 7
Late Spring 2016
- 5

Aloe Vera
Late Winter 2023
Early Autumn 2017

Early Autumn 2017

Finally starting to open 😮😍😁💚 #aloevera

Ohh nice! Mine is about to open too. Just took out the little sons

Its the first time I've ever seen one flower @vanessaworsnop 😊💚 I've had this about 10 years now

Wow!!! I have mine with flowers now. They didn't get yellow but green. But I guess the coldness doesn't help 🤔
Late Summer 2017


Didn't know they flowered Kimmy🤔

I didn't know they did, either...something else to look forward to!
Late Summer 2017

#aloevera update its turning a little orange ish and has #aphids

@Eeyore @titchyfra @ziggypat 😊

Tooth brush and water, a baby one to gently lift off the aphids I have one I use if you want to borrow. Very cool that it's flowering 😍

Won't the tooth brush be to hard? I've managed to get most of them... I'm having g trouble with them on a couple of indoor plants @slj 😐

I use it and it's fine just be gentle it's more that it catches them in the bristles than using pressure. I was having the same issue with my African violets it was the chilli plants attracting the in now the chilli's are out the aphids haven't come back but the tooth brush worked really well it meant I could get In to all the nooks withought damaging the plants

It's Emily's old tooth brush very soft lol I didn't read your question properly 😊

@kimmy01 looking interesting 👍
Late Summer 2017

First time it flowering 😊

@kimmy01 I never knew they flowered, had one for years and nothing, I can't wait to see this ☺

@kimmy01 I never knew they flowered, had one for years and nothing, I can't wait to see this ☺

That's brilliant , never seen it flower either @Eeyore

@kimm01 I never knew they flowered either be interesting to see the flower
Late Winter 2017

💚2015 to 2017 💚 #timelapse


That's great amazing to see difference!

I was looking at that yesterday never realised that was the pot that had the cacti in it are they still in there your aloe is incredible 😍

I took the cactus out and put back in little pots last summer @slj There are a few really big aloe I'm going so separate them I think or the pot might explode next year 😂

lol aloe is awesome
Late Winter 2017

Fair to say this has multiplied a lot since last spring
Mid Summer 2016

This Aloe vera is getting BIG 😁👍

@kimmy01 That's a beautiful green color!! What's your secret?

This one is old now I got it of a friend 10 years ago and he had it years before that. It got huge out grown the pot it was in so I moved them in a huge pot and left them alone in the conservatory near the window... It doesn't get to much direct sunlight for to long but it does get some and I hardly water them, over winter they go a very very long time with no water 😂 and are fine. If you swipe right on this picture @blocherr you can see what it looked like last year 👍

Sorry not last year lol Ill tag you in the picture of it last year when I find it @blocherr

@kimmy01 That's awesome!!!!👌🏽
Mid Summer 2016

Some baby's for a new pot upstairs... My aims for at least one plant I'm every room 😂🌈

Mine is sprouting too 😊

Think you'll achieve that by October 😂
Early Summer 2016

Now just a aloe vera pot 👍


Are these aloe Vera in a green house, very very good for burning sunburn 👌

They are normally in my conservatory @dib I put them out in the summer sometimes.. I've brought them back in today with all this rain as there isnt any draining holes.. Yeah I've have aloe vera years I got it first because I used to get terrible eczema. 😊👍

@kimmy01 Would you ever get eczema on your face and use the gel on your face?

Yes @blocherr I used to get it bad on my hands and arms thats why I got it given I dont get it so bad now bit when I do ill use some its great 👍 I wish I had this when I was a child when I had eczema all over me x

@kimmy01 I get it on my face, chest and back sometimes. Never tried it but next time it happens I will!!
Late Spring 2016

My lovely Alo and 2 cactus plant I've had since I was 14 :) They are growing a lot since I put them in this big pot last summer.


#cacti #plantID

Can u look at my plant on my profile pls??
Looking very sorry for its self, I just potted it on as it was hanging out the pot half alive. 🤣 Hopefully it will grow back for me and make babies cos I've always had alo in the house.