Crassula ovata 'Minima'
Dwarf Jade Plant
Mid Spring 2017
- 11
Early Spring 2017
- 2
Late Winter 2017
- 4
Late Winter 2017
- 5
Late Winter 2017
- 5
Late Winter 2017
- 3
Early Autumn 2016
- 11
Early Autumn 2016
- 3
Early Autumn 2016
- 23
Late Summer 2016
- 7
Mid Summer 2016
- 3
Mid Summer 2016
- 10
Early Summer 2016
- 8
Early Summer 2016
- 6
Early Summer 2016
- 3
Late Spring 2016
- 4

Crassula ovata 'Minima'
Mid Spring 2017
Early Spring 2017

What a difference 9 months makes.. #succulentsunday #jade #succulent #transformation

Really recommend using tomato feed on it at half strength every 4 waters and using Rainwater. Has made a real difference for my succulents
Late Winter 2017

Don't think it looks as nice but this is the new #Jade pot! About 5x bigger than the last one. Used my succulent compost so it shouldn't feel too much of a difference

It looks good in that pot

I like the the pot 👍 sure the plant does too 🙂

Looks good to me.
Late Winter 2017

My #Jade is starting to grow bent forward so time for a change of pot.. had to smash the old one with a hammer as I wired it in to secure it to the shallow pot

It just needs turning round. Honestly there's nowhere near root bound enough for a Jade.

It's grown so much in the past year, think it needed to have a big pot to look normal.. started to dwarf the pot 😞 @Alcurtis93

That's fair @kyleleonard :) Maybe rotate it on your window to encourage growth on the other side too. Looks nice and healthy though! They really do thrive in small tight pots though like this

I'll keep that in mind, @Alcurtis93 , if mine survives.... :)
Late Winter 2017


Totally beautiful

Love this! Fab capture! 👏👏👏

Are you resurrecting the seed swap? Might be a good time to readvertise it. Any help you need, give me a shout!

I just mocked up a spreadsheet - working with last year's problems.. so I think if we did do it it'd make more sense to publish people's emails on the spreadsheet. Of course, only people with the link can view it
Late Winter 2017

Don't remember taking this! From this year apparently.. #jade #pot

I'm thinking of entering it into photography competitions.. kidding. But it is a little too 'arty' for GT. Think I wanted a photo of how much the stem has grown in a year #art

Nice pot and colour. 😊😂👍
Early Autumn 2016

Morning 🌚 still dark out

@kyleleonard ......morning Kyle :)

Morning Kyle. 😊

Good morning Kyle.🙋🏻

Morning Kyle 🙋

Morning kyle enjoy yr Friday 😁

@keely - smashing more walls down today

Have a smashing time 😂😂😂
Looks healthy

Morning Kyle fab photo enjoy your day 😊

Early Autumn 2016

I love the red tint forming on the edges of the leaves

This is what makes it unique.

Betty pretty. Nice #macro
Early Autumn 2016

Morning 🌞 my last official 24 hours at my apartment begins. The girlfriend is working away in London so spending it alone

Morning kyle

Good morning Kyle

@kyleleonard Morning Kyle!!

Morning Kyle ☀️ ooh does it feel strange?! Are you all ready? 👍🏼

After 2.5 years it's a bit emotional! Losing our independence for a year to save for a house @rachelbrooks

It may be strange now and losing your independence can be hard, but when you put the deposit on your house it will all be worth it 😊😊 @kyleleonard

Feels like an age away. I love where we live now, it's such a nice building and my days off will be so awkward without my girlfriend there @raregold71 flip-side is we have a garden to go in!

Aw don't worry, perhaps on your days off you can help in the garden, I'm sure her parents would love the help, and if you grow some of your own fresh veg they'll love it chin up 😊

It'll be strange Kyle but just think of the garden! And of course the house you'll be able to buy! 👍🏼 and it'll fly by if this year's anything to go's October next week already! 😬

True @raregold71 @rachelbrooks! Nice to see what we can work towards in the next year. My girlfriend wants a dog, 99% the reason she wants to buy a house!

Seems a logical reason! 👍🏼😁
Late Summer 2016

Still growing 🌞

Well done , I kill these 😣😣

I've killed two expensive mature versions. I got a cutting off someone. Got this 49p tapas dish and drilled a hole in the bottom and planted it. One point it was shrivelling, I let my mum water it now and it's fine @fuschia

Mine were large specimens that just shrivelled up 😣😣

I had one about 2ft tall in the conservatory , had pretty little white flowers , went away for 2 weeks and had been fried , forgot to put it outside 😂😂😜🙄

Oh love it!

Mid Summer 2016


Is this what I call my money plant ?? @kyleleonard

Yes I think so! Mine is in a little pot and wired in, similar to a bonsai but not quite @raregold71
Mid Summer 2016

Update - so I planted this in June I believe. It's from a cutting, put in a tapas pot with holes drilled in the bottom (cost me £1 for the bowl). It shrivelled up in July and I thought it was a goner. My mums been watering it as its at her house - looks like a totally different plant to what I posted in July! She's been watering it quite often and it's really improved the quality of the plant and it looks healthy again 🙏🏻

#healthy @kyleleonard

My jade also needs water much more often than I had expected!

@aes239 - seems to have saved it! I think because of it being so shallow it needs a bit more

Nice job! I'm sure it's very thankful 😊

I have half a dozen cuttings of this Jade plant , I can't give them away, no one wants them !! I'm told they're old fashioned !!! 🤔 well, I shall just have to keep all 6 !!!

@Nettle - put them in cool colourful pots like I did and everyone will want one 😏

I just might do that Kyle !!! @kyleleonard

@Nettle - I bought a jade in 2015, spent a bomb on it and killed it over winter. This is a cutting off someone I know off a forum. I won't spend massive amounts again

Well..if you're unsuccessful with this one just yell and you can have one of my cuttings !! 👍
Early Summer 2016

Well watered - fingers crossed @crazycatlady 🙏🏻
Try putting it somewhere warm for a the heating system?

@crazycatlady - not sure if tags work in opening posts?

Just got two given to me,a wee bit nervous i will kill them before they establish. Crossing my fingers and watching how you do. Thanks

@susieg - the overwatering 🙈

I probably shouldn't have liked that but you know what I mean 😄. So it looks almost dehydrated then if you overwater it. How weird. I must try not to do that then.

It's confusing and hard to get right. I think small waterings work better than a large one every week @susieg I'm sure yours will look great whatever you do to it!

Aw you're very kind but I don't have a great track record with houseplants. I tried to grow bougainvillea once up the stairs but it kept getting whitefly. And my parlour palm is not looking too healthy either 😳 I'll try not to drown this then. Little and more often sound like a good plan. Top tip, thank you 👍🏻
Early Summer 2016

Anyone know why this would have shrivelling leaves? Not been watering it much

It needs watering

@crazycatlady - really? I've watered it once a week for the past few weeks, got told to not overwater as it stores water in the leaves

I've got several and every now and then I give them a really good watering to plump up the leaves and it seems to work

@crazycatlady - I'll water them well today as my parents go away for a few weeks. Thanks!
I leave mine for a long time before watering. It's a cactus so likes it dry. If it's shrivelling there is something it don't like. Check the roots.
Early Summer 2016

Topped up the soil today - good quality bonsai/succulent compost (sandy mix). Looks good and pleasing that I did it myself!

Well done @kyleleonard
Yes I have a jade I got a clip from a friend. Her jade is 25 years old. It blossoms every winter when she brings it doors and keeps it in here basement recreation room. It's approx 5 ft tall including pot. I guess I was honours that she gave me a piece. Also an avid gardener!! 😀 keep us posted on your creation. Oh. By the way she keeps hers outside all summer. So it is possible to outside it if you need to. Looking good !
Late Spring 2016

Love it.

Oh my that is too cute! 😍

Reminds me of reindeer antlers!😀
Some of my #jade cuttings from last year - looking healthy! Want some little stylish pots for them eventually to give to family members
I have a cutting to my daughter she's had it about 4 months and still hasn't killed it, great plants for less green fingered people 😁
Looking fab, Kyle! I caught Afra chewing on mine 🙈 at least she stuck to one branch! Got a baby growing well in the nursery that she can't reach! It's the composter for her!
Have you ever made Hypertufa pots?
@mamasan - I haven't! Do you recommend?
I do, supposed to be great for succulents and other plants. The peat moss helps retain moisture, perlite provides air flow to the roots (roots need to breath) and they are pretty light weight. They can be left outside year round, and you can make very large pots for a fraction of the price of buying. I also like the look of them. A lot to say about Hypertufa.
If you are going to have them inside put a plastic tray under it to protect the surface it's on
@mamasan - I wouldn't use peat, is there an alternative?
Not as far as I know, you can substitute the perlite with vermiculite.
Did a little research and it says you can use coir as a substitute for the peat moss. 3 parts coir, 2 parts portland cement and 3 parts perlite.
I'll see what I can do and keep you updated @mamasan 😎