Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 8
Late Winter 2017
- 4
Early Autumn 2016
- 15
Early Autumn 2016
- 2
Mid Summer 2016
- 0
Early Summer 2016
- 10
Late Spring 2016
- 3

Mid Spring 2018
Early Spring 2017

Here's the other, no idea why I thought it was purple.. brown with a red twinge, perhaps? #heuchera

UPDATE - looks purple in summer and autumn, must lose its colour during winter?

Ask @plantagogo they specialise in Heuchera. Lovely people always helpful.

Could it be purple palace @kyleleonard it gets a richer colour by the summer 🤔

Might be! @lovemygarden65

There is one called chocolate ruffles, it could be that x

Whatever it is it's lovely 👍👍

Id say purple palace and agree with @lovemygarden65 I have same one and its same colour at minute 💜
Late Winter 2017

One of my root cuttings from last year - should be ready in a few months to go out #heuchera #cutting

Cute 💕

Looks so small and fragile 😍

Love these 😍
Early Autumn 2016

I find #heuchera the easiest plant to take cuttings from. Hopefully I'll have 12 new plants next year from these cuttings #cuttings #heucheraholics #heucheraday

Haven't tried a cutting...but I did find one underneath another plant - had totally forgotten about it - so have potted it up - hopefully it'll take off! 👍🏼

I need to learn how to do it as I've got loads that I'd like to take cuttings from 👍🏼

@lexijane - how long have you had yours? I find Heuchera goes woody after a few years

@rachelbrooks - I'm sure it'll be fine! My cuttings are from a 2015 cutting which is mature now

I've only just got them this year. I'm very much a heuchera novice lol

Does anyone call it alum root in the UK?

@KatherineCrouchGardenDesign - not sure! I think some do

Is it too late to take cuttings now, @kyleleonard

Nope! I do them whenever I remember. Now should be fine. Probably wouldn't do it when it's frosty though @patburke58

Fingers crossed then Kyle...it's not looking too healthy! 😬

Just keep it moist and should be ok @rachelbrooks 😎
Early Autumn 2016
Lovely colour on these leaves

Love it ❤️❤️❤️
Mid Summer 2016
Early Summer 2016

Last non-cacti photo of this week, I promise

Lovely Heuchera ❤️

Gorgeous colour @kyleleonard

Heuchera are such good value

@kathy - this is now planted in one of my beds - but I daren't post a photo of it because of how terrible it comes across

Oh put a photo on, it doesn't matter what it looks like @kyleleonard

Doesn't stand out at all! I'm going to propagate my Heucheras in a few weeks ready for next year. Do it every year to fill my beds the following year @kathy 😎I'll take a photo next time I'm there


@micbrown - my purple/red one now planted in one of my beds and doesn't stand out at all

Still lovely. 😁I'm hooked.
Late Spring 2016

Does anyone know what variety of Heuchera this is? Bought it about 5 years ago and can't find the name of it anywhere.. Thanks!

Looks similar to my purple palace but there are so many varieties with these coloured leaves might not be if it gets darker as summer comes prob is 😁

I'll keep any eye on it! Does yours go quite woody? I had to make new plants from cuttings - even this is from a cutting @Keely
They shine😊