@kyleleonard Its a Bluebell (my memory is rubbish and I can’t remember if it’s a native British one or the Spanish one 🤔) Can someone else remind me please? 😊🙏🏼👍🏼
Looking at first glance they are spanish. The leaves are smaller and the other difference is the bells are on one side making it a droopy flower for English. Spanish are on all sides of the stem. 😊
@kyleleonard Its a Bluebell (my memory is rubbish and I can’t remember if it’s a native British one or the Spanish one 🤔) Can someone else remind me please? 😊🙏🏼👍🏼
Looking at first glance they are spanish. The leaves are smaller and the other difference is the bells are on one side making it a droopy flower for English. Spanish are on all sides of the stem. 😊
Thanks guys!