Malus sylvestris
Mid Autumn 2020
Late Summer 2020

@gjones. I leave them for the birds. I thought this tree was going to die from a sap Sucker. I think it will be fine. I have not seen that sap sucker this year.
To early for this.
Wow, it looks beautiful though 🤍
Way to early to see that stuff !!!
Beautiful picture, but too early
Does look lovely but 😱
I hope this isn’t the beginning of a rough winter for you guys!
#tooearly #toosoon #ohnooops #snowfall
@anges @mojosmomma @columbiariver @charlotte @hebelover @debs69 @moonflower @KariSamuel @gjones @cyndi. Sadly it is now winter here in October. More snow on Sunday. Lows of 14. It is a real bummer. Loooong winter coming. Ok. I am feeling depressed by this weather when it is only October!! I am trying to accept it, but I just don't want to.
Bummer Love. 🥺