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Profile Image Annette Sandberg


I live in Southern Minnesota 4b. I am currently really excited about my wetland gardens, my rain gardens, my mini orchard, and perennial vegetables.

  • Season Icon Early AutumnEarly Autumn 2019
  • 24
  • 1
plant image 1173291
plant image 1172043
plant image 1171033
plant image 1169272
plant image 1173291
plant image 1172043
plant image 1171033
plant image 1169272

Tithonia rotundifolia syn Tithonia speciosa

  • Season Icon Early AutumnEarly Autumn 2019
  • Like Count 24

I had a lot of swamp milkweed seeds so I planted a lot of swamp milkweed in my rain gardens and my fence gardens. It must have lured them to my house. Although I used to get hundreds during fall migration so maybe I am on a migration path or it is just luck.
