Mid Spring 2023
- 1
Mid Winter 2020
- 1
Mid Winter 2020
- 0
Early Winter 2020
- 5
Mid Autumn 2019
- 5
Early Autumn 2019
- 3
Mid Summer 2019
- 2
Mid Spring 2019
- 2

Mid Spring 2023
Mid Winter 2020

Cuban anole trying to make himself look bigger - hanging out in my bougainvillea
Mid Winter 2020
Early Winter 2020

My Bougainvillea has been doing really well on the balcony. I can’t wait to see if it’ll bloom in this spot.

Wow! It’s grown so much 💚

@kez001uk It really has! I love seeing the past photos on here to see the progress.

@laneygarden makes you realise plants are doing better than we may think 😛

Exactly! I love that! @kez001uk
Mid Autumn 2019

Moved my #bougainvillea to the master bedroom balcony and trimmed it back quite a lot. Should look nice next year. It’s hard to photograph here.

Looks lovely trailing over the balcony 💚

Makes me think of sleeping beauty... surrounded by the forest of thorns! 😓

Especially on the black....💞🖤💞

Thanks all! It’s dark brown and I agree - the bright pink buds should really stand out here @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Early Autumn 2019

My #bougainvillea fell during a storm and it’s propped here against the fence for now. I want to move it back onto the patio and hopefully get it vining up the pergola. It’s gotten huge but it hasn’t flowered all year. It’s all tangled in with the small trellis it originally came with so I don’t know if I should leave it like this until spring and cut it way back. We’ll see what happens!

@laneygarden they love full sun and being pot bound, if it's not getting enough sun, it won't bloom...

Yes it’s in a container and it definitely isn’t getting enough sun in this temporary spot! It does much better inside the patio so I’ll move it soon. I’m glad I don’t need to worry about the small trellis! Thanks💚 @cyndi @treefrog44
Mid Summer 2019

My #bougainvillea is getting big. I’m going to move it to the balcony where it will get the same sun.

It’s really y’all! I love bougainvilleas too. I see you have bananas trees too!!👍🏻😊💕
Mid Spring 2019

This #Bougainvillea has been through a lot. They are sure some hardy growers! It has grown too heavy for this pot now, and keeps falling over. I would like to train it to grow over our pergola, but I’m not sure if the sunlight inside of our patio is good enough for that. I keep moving it around, trying to find the best spot for it. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens!

I love bougainvillea I have 4 two are small but mine seem to love the sun. It’s funny how they let you know when their happy. I’m sure it’ll look great going up the trellis!!👍🏻🤗😊💕
My #bougainvillea is really blooming this year 😍💚