Schefflera aboricola (variegata)
Variegated Umbrella Tree
Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Late Winter 2019
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Schefflera aboricola (variegata)
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019

A little scheff leaflet. You can see a little brown spot on the leaf. But turn it over....
Mid Spring 2019

....and it's a different story. Her leaves start getting these blotchy dark spots that slowly turn brown and then drop the leaflets. From my research and my very careful care of these 2 plants my guess is oedema or fungus. But I'm just new so 🤷♀️
Mid Spring 2019

My poor scheff. She looks alright from above. She finally started growing after the transplant, so that's great, but look underneath....

New leaves look very healthy
Mid Spring 2019

Help! My schefflera is dropping leaves with brown spots on them. I found one just starting. It's green and normal on top. Any one know what is happening? #please #help #sickplant #whatswrong

How cold?, how wet? Ck roots.wwwwatering with cold water?

I water with room temp. I water after the top few inches dry out. I water thoroughly. About once a week. 50% humidity, 72 degrees, gets lots of indirect light. Had nice healthy roots when I repotted a month or two ago and settled in and grew again. This leaf drop is consistent and slow. 🙏

Not consistent with disease spots. Usually would have yellow halo around spots. Could spray or wipe leaves with household hydrogen peroxide to clean. Treated water or well? Media used when transplant? @laurenzwicker remember to use @ before my name remove all spotted leaves & stems by snapping off so not introduce any other disease.

@moore.794 thank you so much. I was most worried about fungus. I use RO water and they are in regular potting soil with perlite and worm castings mixed in. Maybe I am watering too much at once. I will post some more pics.

Maybe what your considering dry is not actually. Mine is in 6" pot may get every 3 weeks. Pot should feel light before watering& allow water to run through & drain. How much castings to pot. Do you use any fert besides?sounds like your doing many things right. @laurenzwicker

@moore.794 I used maybe 4 parts potting mix to 1 part each of the perlite and castings. I've only fertilized once with a general plant food. I guess I will keep a better eye on the watering. Thanks!

Worm casings applied 1" top dressed for 10" deep pot. Is potting soil peat based? Good luck. Hope it responds to your good care @laurenzwicker

@moore.794 oh I will mix the castings in the top in the future. And yes, peat based. So quite wet. But I will let it dry out more and water it a little less and see if it helps!
Late Winter 2019

I separated my umbrella trees into their own pots. One was growing and one was not so I thought it was time. I hope they survive.
....and you can see much more damage underneath. The spots are a darker green, almost like the leaf has been smushed. Otherwise the leaves feel healthy and firm. 🤔🤔
Continue with what we talked about & hopefully recovery will come. Snap off bad leaves.