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Profile Image Jamie H


I love plants and gardening! I'm working on turning my black thumb to green. Hopefully this app can help. I'm in USDA Zone 8A.

Echeveria Runyonii var. Topsy Turvy

  • Season Icon Mid SummerMid Summer 2019
  • Like Count 9

8/12/2019 I think this #topsy-turvy is finally adjusted to having a grill fall over on top of it a while back. She's looking really good with plenty of new growth. Hopefully the offshoots and flowers are a good sign.

  • Season Icon Mid SummerMid Summer 2019
  • Like Count 4

8/1/2019 My #topsy-turvy got crushed by our grill back in June when we had this freak storm. It struggled a but and lost quite a bit of leaves. But it's doing better, though still struggling a bit with the warmer temperatures (and lack of rain) we've had these past few weeks. But I love the stalks and baby leaves growing in. Hopefully, these are signs it's on its way up.

  • Season Icon Early WinterEarly Winter 2019
  • Like Count 3

1/5/2019 I got this #topsy-turvy back in January and just forgot to share the photo. She's doing pretty well, though I think all my plants and I are ready for Spring and warmer weather.
