Seed challenge...found seed pods from Cassia javanica tree and wanting to try propagate some. Anyone have any ideas of best method? Have tried before but no success. #help-seedpropagation #pink #cassia #tree #tropicaltree
Told to scarify them first then water in with a little epsom salts as the magnesium helps with germination was the advice given from a horticulturist...fingers crossed. At least I know where to find heaps more seed. @kathyb
Next piece of advice given to me was to file near the helium...what I would like to know is how on earth do they propagate these seeds in the nursery industry?
Seed challenge...found seed pods from Cassia javanica tree and wanting to try propagate some. Anyone have any ideas of best method? Have tried before but no success. #help-seedpropagation #pink #cassia #tree #tropicaltree
Do let us know if u get any growing! I even tried in the greenhouses at the uni where I work but nothing so much as disturbed the soil 😯
Gained some advice re: these seeds so lets see if successful. @KathyB
I'm waiting with bated breath and everything crossed for u!! 😁
Told to scarify them first then water in with a little epsom salts as the magnesium helps with germination was the advice given from a horticulturist...fingers crossed. At least I know where to find heaps more seed. @kathyb #advice #seedpropagation #seedraisingtechnique
Good luck let us know if it works.
Next piece of advice given to me was to file near the helium...what I would like to know is how on earth do they propagate these seeds in the nursery industry?