Sedum Morganianum
Late Spring 2018
Late Autumn 2017

@sarahflamingo I just seen your pic, this is the first indoor plant I've had in 20 years! Any advice welcome☺they all died...this one seems to be doing okay though. I think gas central heating is a problem or at least that's what I blame😂

I would give you advice but I haven't had this plant for long so I don't know the specifics. I do know that succulents like good drainage and don't over water them! To stop them from going leggy give them plenty of sun, some succulents however do not like direct sunlight I'm not sure with these, maybe read up on them using google. 😊

Trial & error as always with me😅 @sarahflamingo

I have one of these in direct sunlight on a south facing windowsill, and I water it once a week during summer, and less frequently the rest of the time. It has trebled in size in the last year! 😀

@bigemrg perfect! That's where it is beside my kitchen window and it's south facing😊 what do you do with any little bits that fall off?

I try not to move mine too much to avoid the little bits falling off! ☺

Ah I see, I got it in the post and knocked a few bits off opening it😯 @bigemrg
