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Profile Image Levalar S


Near Philadelphia. Zone 7a/b Mostly have succulents right now but plan on branching out to plenty of other plants eventually!

Agave Americana 'Marginata'

  • Season Icon Late WinterLate Winter 2018
  • Like Count 6

3/13 - An update on my two agave 👍 was worried about how they'd do over the winter. See lots of fully grown ones in yards here but these guys are so small I was worried but they toughed it out. Think I'll be putting the quadricolor in a separate pot soon and eventually in the ground 😊🏜 #agave #agave-americana #agaveamericana #quadricolor #centuryplant

  • Season Icon Mid SummerMid Summer 2017
  • Like Count 8

Went to a local succulent/cactus nursery yesterday and got quite the haul 😊 got these Americana+pups for 1/2 price. Can't wait til these guys get bigger and I can get my front yard all agaved up. First time I've talked to someone who actually seemed to know a bit about the plants so that was aweosme! They're also having an event this September/October ao I'm hyped to go to that aswell! #agave #agave-americana #succulent #succulents #agaveamericana
