Graptopetalum Tricolour
Early Autumn 2017
Early Summer 2017

Help me identify this plant. From a clearance 1 gallon succulent pot at lowes, normally $25 and got it for $10! (Forgot to take a picture of the pot itself with everything in it before repotting but there'll be plenty of pictures of the plants themselves to come haha.) So many new beauties to take care of now and a lovely pot for the front yard! #succulentid #plantid #plantid-succulent #succulent #succulents #succulentsunday #succulentsunday- #clearance #bargain #succulentaddict

Was thinking some kind of sedeveria maybe Blue Burrito but the leaves aren't too blue at the moment haha

Great buy! I'm not sure but I know who might @alovealoe April my plz😍

Nice find! I think it may be a pachyphytum or pachyveria.
Still in love with this unid'd beauty 😍 #plantid #plantid-succulent #succulent #succulents
Any idea? @hazec @Muzz67 @alovealoe
#crassulaceae Graptopetalum paraguayense #graptopetalumrose
Looks like Graptopetalum tricolour 😆 Have a look at mine