Rheum Rhabarbarum
Late Spring 2018
Mid Summer 2017

One of my neighbours have given me a rhubarb plant- but I know absolutely nothing about rhubarb! Can someone please help and explain what I need to do. 😄 #rhubarb #help #advice

Rhubarb crumble & Custard Yummy 😉 @lewis8232 other than that I have no idea never grown it sorry ☺

Oooh I'm growing a couple this year too! Find somewhere relatively sunny and sheltered from wind - mine lost all its leaves from snapping and I had to relocate it! Much happier now

Also, you don't harvest this year, and just a couple of stems next year. This lets the plant get nice and strong for future years apparently, although I don't know if I can wait that long!

@Mikekally Thanks! 😄 Do I need to use any fertiliser?

I put a small scoop of manure in the hole before dropping the plant in, figured it's going to be there for 10 years or so! But apart from that, just left it go! Definitely didn't like the wind tho!

@Mikekally Thanks! I'll probably plant it at the weekend 😄
Does anyone know how to rid of an ants nest in the middle of a rhubarb plant? (I scared off all the ants yet they come back every time) 🐜 #help #ants
I use this stuff. Works great and safe for humans and pets😉... https://richsoil.com/diatomaceous-earth.jsp
@SikoMa Thanks! 😊
You're welcome Lewis😉