Lithops Salicola
Mid Autumn 2018
Mid Summer 2018

7 august 2018 • second attempt with #lithops. planted them in mostly pumice, some sand, and some vermiculite. my last one got scale, here’s hoping that won’t happen again! #succulent #succulents #mesembs
21 october 2018 • i’ve been terrified to water these, so i hadn’t watered them at all since i got them... until today. they aren’t wrinkled, but i read that i should’ve actually watered them in august-september to promote blooms. i’m late, so i doubt blooms will really happen, but if i understand correctly, they wanted a drink now anyway. really hoping i haven’t ruined everything 😅 so here’s a photo of them looking good just in case things go south from here.
btw, the smallest one was weirdly misshapen like that when i got it. i’m surprised that one is still alive.
#lithops #lithops-salicola #lithopssalicola #succulent #succulents #succulentsunday
They don't look thirsty, I think they'll be fine
@KelsiBriana thank you! they are plump all around. they look healthy.