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Profile Image Sarah Rene


I'm Little Sarah and this is my Little Garden that I'm trying to grow. Some from seedlings others from stores, all are equally loved 🥰🌼🙌🌻☺️

Plant Name Echeveria Secunda


Echeveria 'Secunda'

  • Season Icon Mid AutumnMid Autumn 2020
  • 10
  • 3
plant image 1413660
plant image 1408582
plant image 1413660
plant image 1408582

Echeveria Secunda

  • Season Icon Mid AutumnMid Autumn 2020
  • Like Count 10

The middle succulent seems to be getting nibbled on and I would like to slow that down/stop it all together if I can. I am looking for plant safe and organic/natural ways to deal with the issue. Any and all help is welcome 💙 also if anyone has a specific name that they know this is called ease feel free to let a sister know!


Those are some BIG bites. Is it potted? Might want to move this up, if so. Looks like a mouse or small rabbit is around. Mothballs will deter, but you don’t really want to smell that...


Do you think a squirrel would possibly be the nibble culprit? I know we have alot of squirrels... It is potted and on a shelf, but I just moved it to a shelf as of yesterday so maybe that will help, thanks!
