Peperomia prostrata
String Of Turtles
Early Spring 2018
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Mid Winter 2018
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Mid Winter 2018
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Mid Winter 2018
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Peperomia prostrata
Early Spring 2018
Mid Winter 2018

I can't get enough of her!

Is this the one you mentioned you got for me?? @llamadrama

Yes! But after you said you didn't want it I combined the three I had into one 😄 @veepaisal

Lmao nice! @llamadrama

I kind of want to get one of these where I work but it’s $10 and I usually like to start smaller. Ack I’m torn! Is it a fast or slow grower?

I actually just got it myself @joodie so I'm not sure how fast it grows but I'm definitely glad I got it!

Okay looks like a fun one! The one I was eyeing got bought so maybe next time around I’ll bite the bullet. I kind of want to create a plant curtain out of all trailing succulents. I think that would look so pretty.
Mid Winter 2018

I wish this was edible because it looks oh-so-tasty

I wish I could find these in Canada, so cute!!
Mid Winter 2018

Cute as a button! Would look lovely in a hanging planter.

How much did you get it for might I ask? @llamadrama would love to get a pot myself but ppl are charging so pricey online

I got it for close to nothing since my plant guys hook me up. It's hard to tell but it's a small 2-inch pot. If you want i can see if they have it next weekend... @veepaisal

@llamadrama ooh yeh that’d be awesome! And very cool of your plant guys to do that for you!

They will be very pretty in a hanging planter💚💚💚 @llamadrama
She's starting to trail... Love these little buttons!