Early Summer 2024
Late Spring 2022

This #Hydrangea was propagated from my sister's plant. #firstflower #propagation #propagation-hydrangea #propagation-hardwoodcuttings #hardwoodcutting #hormonerootingpowder #southerncalifornia 27 May 2022

The two tone effect in the flower is lovely 😍

I agree @topiarytragedy
My hydrangea is looking lovely. It is her first year to flower. I added #aluminumsulfate to the soil to get my soil #acidic for a blue hydrangea. Only one of the five flowers has a touch. 🤣 It is a start. #hydrangeachallenge2024 #hardwoodcutting #propagation-hardwoodcuttings #collage #southerncalifornia 8 July 2024
So very pretty 😍
Those are so pretty I wish I could grow those here. Is it just me or does it feel like the sun is getting hotter these last couple years. What a challenge. Enjoy that beautiful city you live in!!!!
It may take another year, i think it depends if the buds were there already.... Rusty nails work as well!!
Thank you, @columbiariver and @hkyfvr
@terrimclaughlin , is it too hot and humid where you are? I am getting by with this because I love them so and I put it by the front door to watch when it needs more water. I know I am getting less tolerant of the heat. It wreaks me. 🥵 💗💗
@lifeonaroofterrace - I have to keep adding the bluing every 6 months or so. Our soil is very alkaline, so it just reverts back quickly. The blue is just so pretty. 😍
Very welcome 😄