Stapelia gigantea
Starfish flower
Early Autumn 2022
- 2
Mid Summer 2022
- 4
Early Autumn 2021
- 8
Mid Autumn 2020
- 14
Early Autumn 2020
- 7
Early Autumn 2020
- 8
Early Autumn 2020
- 5
Late Summer 2020
- 6
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Late Summer 2020
- 16
Late Summer 2020
- 8
Mid Autumn 2019
- 14
Early Autumn 2019
- 8
Late Summer 2019
- 8
Early Autumn 2018
- 6
Early Autumn 2018
- 2
Early Autumn 2018
- 6
Early Autumn 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 9
Late Summer 2018
- 16
Late Summer 2018
- 15
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Autumn 2017
- 7
Mid Autumn 2017
- 3
Mid Autumn 2017
- 5
Mid Autumn 2016
- 21
Mid Autumn 2016
- 0
Early Autumn 2016
- 1

Stapelia gigantea
Early Autumn 2022
Mid Summer 2022

It is that time of year. #stapelia #stapeliagigantea #stapelia-gigantea #starfishflower #flypollinator #stinky #southerncalifornia 14 August 2022

Mine last almost a week! They are big as dinner plates @gjones #brown #fragrant

Eileen is right for my flowers too, Katy. @gjones @emch

This one too @emch #orbea #beautiful
Early Autumn 2021

This #stapelia gigantia must be especially #stinky with all these flies on it. My 👃 sense of smell is still off since January's Covid. This is not a missed scent. #stapelia-gigantea #flies #insects #flypollinator #southerncalifornia 12 October 2021.

Well I happen to love them @columbiariver @lovestogarden *turns into bluebottle fly and buzzes away*

Stunning flower, congrats on getting it to bloom. 😊

😂😂 My godmother used to snap off the flowers. My godfather thought it was hilarious. Yes, a "care" facility gave it as a parting gift to my father. We all had it - a mild case. My sister got asthma (which she will always have now) with it, my sense of smell never returned fully and my parents both slept unbelievable hours. We do not recommend it. 💕🤗 @columbiariver

😂 me too @emch 🤭

Thank you @kylers 💕

I am sure you would not Katy. A miraculous bit of botany for sure. @gjones

My stinky flowers 🤭😂. I think they are unique so I like them. 😵 @columbiariver
Mid Autumn 2020

Still showing off! I wish I had counted them all this year. More than I took 📷. #stapelia #stapelia-gigantea #stapeliagigantea #stinky #southerncalifornia 22 October 2020 😷🤭

Wow! So huge flowers

Definitely show them Beauties off!! ❤️🧡

Amazing ..

#fragrant #brown flowers are quite the best kind

Are they as big as they look?!? Such a cool looking flower. Mine are teeny 👍🏻😊💕

@terrimclaughlin I have some of these and the flowers are as big as dinner plates!

Those are wonderful!🌞

Yes, @mehul22 they are huge. 😂

@cyndi so true 😂

They are! Thank you - @suzieshadow1227gmailcom @gjones @mardel ❤️❤️❤️

@emch 😂 - these are fragrant for sure! 🤭 You are right, Eileen, these flowers are about 10" from tip to tip and others have been 12"! @terrimclaughlin there are different varieties that come really small.
Early Autumn 2020

#Stapelia gigantea flowers are still arriving! They have been very plentiful this year. #stinky #stapeliagigantea #stapelia-gigantea #stinkyflower #carrionflower (invasive) #oxalis #starfishflower #southerncalifornia 14 October 2020

Mine is finally going to bloom!

Thats wonderful my friend...

Does Hanna know that they stink like a few days old dead rat? 😂 @dirtgirlworld

Super @misternatureboy ! 👏👏👏👏👏

Thanks Maribel 💕 @mardel

Well, just a warning may be necessary, Maggie. 😂 💕
Early Autumn 2020

#Stapelia gigantea putting on a #stinky show today. #stapelia-gigantea #stapeliagigantea #collage #southerncalifornia 10 October 2020😷💕

Oooh what a beautiful colored flower! 😍 Mine has a purplish hue 🤔

Its beautiful


@Pompon - I just looked at yours. It is a different variety, but is magnificent! 😁

Thank you for noticing their beauty, @mardel @lovemygarden65 @gjones ❤️❤️❤️

Hey lady just waiting for mine to have its flowers open to see if I can get seeds before I decide to send u that or cuttings so I'll let u know what I decide. This is the one i would be trading for right? Also check out my stuff and see if theres any other cuttings u may want and maybe we can do some more while were at it?

😁 @heatherdirtyhands it is a wonder my neighbors don't complain. They have to smell them, as these grow right next to where they park their car. 🤭 I have others I will let you know.
Early Autumn 2020

So very #stinky with multiple #flowers! #stapelia #stinkybutbeautiful #stapeliagigantea #southerncalifornia 26 September 2020 🤭😷🗑️⚰️

Yep, they just keep going @alif 🤭😷

So many blooms at once!!! They never do this for me..

They are really happy! The older they get, the more they bloom. 💓 @emch

Do you have this one - the mother-of-all stinkers? @emch
Late Summer 2020

She is putting on a big #stinky show today! Flies were happy. #stapelia #stapeliagigantea #stapelia-gigantea #southerncalifornia 15 September 2020 😷🤧

Now that I see the actual cacti I'm thinking mine that i tagged u in May be the other one that looks similar

Wow, hope you don’t have it by an open window. 😂

@heatherdirtyhands - the ID on these can only be made once they show their flower.

She has! I put this one in a pot last year, but it is too heavy for me to lift it now. 😂 @gjones

No, sir! Smelling REALLY ripe! @philstalder 😂😂😂
Late Summer 2020

The underside view of the huge #flower on the #Stapelia gigantea. #stapeliagigantea #southerncalifornia 7 September 2020 😷🌞🥵
Late Summer 2020

The huge #bud on this #Stapelia gigantea from this morning opened. #stapeliagigantea #southerncalifornia 7 September 2020 😷🌞🥵

Wowww!! That's spectacular!

Wow, amazing 😉


Wow that is super cool looking!! 😎😎

Wow, amazing, spectacular. 🦋🦋🦋

Thank you all! She is an amazing #stinker 😂😂 @jmlincoln @philstalder @cyndi @ShelleySnyder @gjones @columbiariver @suzieshadow1227gmailcom @Annettenoosa



Wow!! 😍😍😍

Does it smell?? 😷

Yes, Amber, sorry to say, but just like a dead animal. 😂😂😂 It is in the #corpseflower family and actually is pollinated by flys. 😷 @mzambz
Late Summer 2020

Huge #bud on this #Stapelia gigantea this morning. #stapeliagigantea #southerncalifornia 7 September 2020 😷🌞🥵

It’s so big.

It is David. It seems the older my plants get, the larger the flowers. @docthrill

How are you my friend, I can't wait for my plant to give a flower like this one. Thanks for sharing

I'm doing great, Mardel! I hope you are well too. Yours may need to get used to its new home first, but then, look out! 🤭 😂😂

The buds on these look amazing but the flowers look a bit sinister 😮

...and smell🤧 that way too. 🤣😂🤣 @jeatacake

Mid Autumn 2019

I know I keep posting these, but they are putting on such a nice show, I don't want to ignore them. ❤️ The flower tips have such a nice deep color. #Stapeliagigantea #Stapelia-gigantea #stapelia #stinky #southerncalifornia 14 November 2019

They're spectacular! I hope you keep posting them!!

They amazing 😍

Keep posting Janice!💘😍

If I had them I would keep posting them,they're beautiful!

THANK YOU @lexicon 💗 @juliesgarden 💗 @gjones 💗 @ShelleySnyder 💗 @Susanandsteve YOU ARE ALL SO KIND!

This is gorgeous 😍🤤

Yes, gorgeous to see, but not smell. 😂😂 @GrinchyGardener 💞

I have a couple of babies from different plants, no clue what kind but I can't wait until they bloom stink or not 😂 I'm excited

That is the way I feel. I think their uniqueness is worth the stank! 😂 @GrinchyGardener

You are so very welcome my friend!💘😍

Gorgeous 😍
Early Autumn 2019

Another one opened today. This one was not very #stinky at all. #stapelia #stapeliagigantea #stapelia-gigantea #flower #southerncalifornia 24 September 2019

Wow 🤩

That is so neat

How exciting it must be to see such a pretty flower

It is amazing and miraculous. @gjones @suerichards @Flicka @mardel 👏👏👏💗

@petalsnthorns - you can scroll through the postings if you want. This plant is in the ground. 💞

Wow, they look amazing 😍Thanks for the tag ❤️

My pleasure. 😁
Late Summer 2019

An especially #stinky #Stapelia gigantea #flower. #succulent #carrionplant #stapelia-gigantea #stapeliagigantea #southerncalifornia 26 August 2019

Wow, gorgeous 💕

Such a beautiful flower I think..I have the cutting you send me and it's doing amazing. I shared a cutting with my mother in law...she's so happy . Thanks love @lovestogarden

Amazing 😍

Wow! That is huge! Very nice

Katie, I am sure you would not like the smell. 😂 It is amazing, up close looking rather like skin, hair and all. 🧐🤯 @gjones

@mardel how nice. A succulent is a gift that keeps on giving. 😀 💞

@lovestogarden made possible by awesome and generous people like you....thanks love
Early Autumn 2018

Another #stinky flower opened today. #fly #stapelia #stapeliagigantea #stapelia-gigantea #succulent #starfishflower #southerncalifornia #california 26 September 2018

Amazing 😉


You are right, @cyndi with an 🤭🤪 factor. 😂

🤭❤️ @suerichards @grantham 😃

@columbiariver 😂😂😂
Early Autumn 2018

Another #stinky #flower opened today. ❤️🤭 #succulent #stapeliaflower #stapelia-gigantea #apocynaceae #stapelia #carrionflower #southerncalifornia #california 25 September 2018

Such a cool bloom. Now I'm glad we don't have a smell-o-gram installed!!!
Early Autumn 2018

The #circleoflife on this #stinky #flower as the #fly lays her eggs (the white spots near the fpower center and the #ant comes to take it away for food. 😏 #succulentsunday. #succulent #stapelia #stapelia-gigantea #stapeliagigantea #Apocynaceae #southerncalifornia #california 23 September 2018

Interesting facts! @ lovestogarden

Interesting. And ewww. At the same time. Lol

@gjones thank you!

I think so too @hammerhead & @nikkicasas ❤️😂

So cool though!
Early Autumn 2018

Another #stinky #flower blooming in time for #succulentsunday. #succulent #stapelia #stapelia-gigantea #stapeliagigantea #fly #Apocynaceae #southerncalifornia #california 23 September 2018

Wow that's so cool!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder ❤️ @columbiariver ❤️

Yes, the flowers are large @gjones. They are the large variety and have an almost 10" diameter. They can give a larger stink this way. ❤️😎🤭

Late Summer 2018

Yesterday's flower has wilted and today there is this new one. #Ants have been busy on it all day. #wildlifewednesday #pollinator #carrionflower #stinky #ants #stapeliagigantea #Stapelia-gigantea #Stapelia #succulent #upclose #southerncalifornia #california 5 September 2018

#oddity - I love your stinky tag!! 😅

@gjones this one did. I waiting until tomorrow to see the new flower. I just don't remember. I will let you know. 😉

@KariSamuel, it is earned by this one! 😂🤭❤️


@gjones, the flower is wilted this morning, (...maybe from her own stank! 😂)but not fully closed. I guess that is the answer. 😁

@kimguy, 🤭 yep. 😂

Oh well .. there is always next year :(

More to come this year. @quinnedy 🤭😁❤️
Late Summer 2018

#wildlifewednesday #pollinator #carrionflower #stinky #fly #ants #stapeliagigantea #Stapelia-gigantea #Stapelia #succulent #upclose #southerncalifornia #california 5 September 2018

Very cool Janice! ⭐🌟⭐ This awesome guy is going on my *wishlist* ☺ I didn't know that they were #stinkyblooms . Still waiting for my voodoo lilies to bloom. Idk if they will make it to bloom this year, still maybe two or three months to go before it gets too cool... so we'll see. 👍

Is that a peacock spider? Check em out on google. I’m not sure if they’re native oz or not. They actually put on a display for the ladies....

@lovestogarden be moved by the beauty and majesty of these blooms via a video on youtube

Beautiful .. obviously loving the indoors .. it will be wanting cable next 😂

@PunkyKy Voodoo lilies are beautiful. 🤞❤️

Yep, @columbiariver! It is that time of year again. 😂🤭

I agree @gjones!! ❤️

No, @Sussanah. It is just a regular fly. The flower draws flies as it's pollinators. The oz peacock spider is gorgeous. I have seen pictures posted here on GTags. As beautiful as these spiders are, spiders creep me out. 😵😩 ❤️

@Annettenoosa that is beautiful! Thank you. I really enjoyed to get one of each! 😁❤️

@quinnedy, I grow this crazy guy outside. It might want cable, but he must peak in the window to watch...too smelly to be inside. 🤭😲😂😂

@lovestogarden I would like one of each as well.
Late Summer 2018

The Stapelia gigantea is blooming. I find this #stinky #flower amazing. The way it looks like human skin and hair and, oh yeah, the dead smell 😩, is fascinating to me. I know it may not be to everyone's liking, but, it is to mine. 🤯🤭😷 #stapelia #stapelia-gigantea #stapeliagigantea #stapeliaflower #succulent #southerncalifornia #california 4 September 2018

Wow 😮 that’s fantastic 👍

My son loves this flower and its smell, we saw it last week at #theworldgarden

So unique thanks for sharing!

I love these flowers too. Their beauty overshadows the odour.

Oh, you're just creepy Janice! 🤣🤣 not really, I just had to say that. It's a cool flower, but, well, it's still creepy...😁

Thank you! @lovemygarden65

My boys (men) still do! @carolgs

Isn't it?! ❤️🤭 @gjones

You are very welcome @dfresh1433!

Oh, I am glad! I agree @Annettenoosa.

@lesliecole49 🤭❤️ I am willing to accept this! 😂 I just love the creepy juxtaposition of it in a garden. It sits directly looking at the beautiful delicate pink of my Jersey Lily. Total opposites. 🤯❤️😂
Late Summer 2018

#succulent #collage #stapelia #stapeliaflower #southerncalifornia #california #flowerbud 22 August 2018

Such a cool bud!
Mid Summer 2018

She is showing just a small bud this year. This is about 1/4 the size of her normal #bud. #stapelia #stapeliagrandiflora #succulent #planted #southerncalifornia #california 15 August 2018

It might be, @gjones. Last year they were especially large and numerous. I am wondering if they do the every other year thing. There are some other small buds forming, so we will see if they are all small. ❤️
Mid Autumn 2017

She just finished opening. She just opened! #stapelia #stapeliagrandiflora #blooming #flower

That's a beauty

@lovestogarden that is gorgeous and my favorite shape awww love it😘

@lovestogarden wow Janice that's awesome 🙏🏼😁 Where do you live please (just part of the world). I've never seen anything like it.

Its creeping me out. It looks like the monster from Stranger Things!

So sorry @Liz3202 ! @pixierose I live in Southern California. It is a fascinating plant. Its pollinators are ants and flies as it stinks.

@lovestogarden that explains never seeing it before.
Mid Autumn 2017

She just opened! #stapelia #stapeliagrandiflora #blooming #flower

😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 congratulations!!!!!! So phenomenal!!!!

Wow! That's cool!!💘😍
Mid Autumn 2017

She is getting ready to bloom again. Five #blossoms right now. #succulent #stapelia

My blooms keep dying before they reach a certain sizee wahhhhhh

Ian, is your plant too wet or in full shade? @rootguru13

Its in my sunroom in south window so no lol

Flowers sometimes fall off from temperature changes, i.e., drafts, fans, heater vents, air-conditioning. Otherwise I am not sure. #succulentadvice
Mid Autumn 2016

And another one is blooming! These never get old to me! This makes number 6 this year.

#stapelia #starfishcactus

Yes, @columbiariver , it is about 12" in full width.

Holy Cow 😲😇🐄! That is huge! So unique 😍

They ARE really unique...they stink and draw flies! @SikoMa

Oh... Never mind✋. I got 🐎💩 for that😕😂.

Yes you do @sikoma! These don't smell THAT bad! 😂


So they are carnivorous?

Ooooohhh... So I could put a few in my barn and and maybe.... They could help? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

No. The flies just walk all over the flower and act like they are on dead meat! 🙏 @SikoMa

Oh, so they are NOT carnivorous?
Mid Autumn 2016
Early Autumn 2016

I got back in town and see that missed one flower and am ready to catch the next.
It is a wonder my house has not been reported to the health department.🤭🤯🤢💀☠️ The #Stapelia gigantea are putting on a show. 🤣😵💫 The stank is real folks! #stapeliagigantea #stapelia-gigantea #starfishflower #collage #stinkyflower #stinky #southerncalifornia 5 October 2022
They are out front of my home. It just smells like a dead critter somewhere. This scent is not too far from the flowers, so it does not smell of it inside I am happy to say. 🤣💕 @gjones