Echeveria Dick's Pink
Echeveria 'Dick's Pink'
Late Winter 2021
- 4
Early Winter 2021
- 1
Late Autumn 2021
- 1
Late Autumn 2021
- 5
Mid Autumn 2021
- 1
Mid Autumn 2021
- 1

Echeveria Dick's Pink
Late Winter 2021
Early Winter 2021

This one suddenly had 4 holes taken out of the lower leaves, not sure if snail or something but it's stopped and they have shrivelled off. #echeveriadickspink #dickspink #succulent #swipeforprogress
Late Autumn 2021

This one has gotten so large so quick. This one was a freebie and it looked kinda poor when I got it, but I'm loving it now. #echeveriadickspink #echeveria #succulent #swipeforprogress
Late Autumn 2021

Bee chilling, she was rubbing her legs all over and stayed there for quite some time. Let all the basil go to seed, now just bee food. #bee #succulent

Great photo


Thanks for your comment Amanda, your plants are coming along nicely ☺️👍🏻🌈

Thanks everyone. :)
Mid Autumn 2021

Getting some lovely pink around the edges of this one. #foliagefriday #succulent #echeveriadickspink #echeveria #dickspink
Mid Autumn 2021

This one came as a freebie with my new lithops, as well as the blue waves and lilacina. Also cant wait for this one to show me her sun colors. Or even cold colours since im coming into winter. #echeveriadickspink #echeveria #newaddition #succulent
#echeveriadickspink now in a nice new bigger pot. He needed it. #succulent #swipeforprogress
Wow, #greatcolor -- yours is so much pinker than mine!
More looking like a flower rather than an Echeveria 🤗
Thanks @emch and @bks it has come a lovely colour in winter. And I love that it reminded you of a flower. 🌼