Graptopetalum Superbum
- Early Summer 2022
- 6
- Mid Winter 2021
- 11
I always thought this one was called 'super bum' and it made me giggle and maybe half the reason I wanted one. The other day I saw someone who said it's 'superb um' and it just made so much sense that would be the actual name. Lol #superbum #graptopetalumsuperbum #superBUM #superbUM #succulent
Haha! I like SuperBUM better 😂🌞
- Early Winter 2021
- 4
Wanted a superbum for so long, reminds me of crystal delight I think it is. #graptopetalumsuperbum #succulent #newaddition
Baby #graptopetalumsuperbum babies. The top got some mildew and has since shed all the infected leaves and now looks weird. Lol #succulent #superbum
Weird or not, that is a #greatcolor
@emch yes I do love superbum colours.