Senecio rowleyanus
String of Pearls
Mid Winter 2021
- 6
Late Autumn 2021
- 1
Early Autumn 2021
- 3
Late Summer 2021
- 2

Senecio rowleyanus
Mid Winter 2021
Late Autumn 2021

Starting to fill out and even has a couple small blooms but it also seems aphids friend. Lol lots of garlic spray. #stringofpearls #succulent #swipeforprogress
Early Autumn 2021

Finally got a new pot for my string of pearls. It's a bit higher than the pot, as the pot was maybe 3 cms too shallow. I hope it settles. Lol and when i want to hang it up ill just get a fabric pot holder and I think it'll go ok. #SOP #repot #succulent

I need to repot the two types I have too. It’s past time !

Time sometimes just slips away. :)
Late Summer 2021

My spring of pearls. Can't wait to get a better pot for her, had for about 3 weeks, I'm worried about repotting they pretty well stuck in there. Assuming the roots are similar to ruby necklace. #stringofpearls #succulent #newplantwhodis

Give her a good drink and she should ease out. If I can get a tough (really tough) Agapanthus out of a pot to separate, you should be able to get this little lady out. A good soak and she'll slip out nicely 💚💚👍
#stringofpearls coming along. Had some aphids they have gone now but not a whole lot of growth, is some flowers though. #succulent #swipeforprogress
Someone is good at growing these. 🌞
Thanks @sunlovin anything that thrives on neglect. Lol :)
I got both regular and variegated, they’re small, but I don’t have much hope for them. 🌞
I'd love some variegated ones. I was waiting to see if I'd kill them first. I love how the new growth is always a slightly different colour.
I always love the look of these 😍