Late Spring 2016
Late Spring 2016

I thought there was something weird going on, but turns out this going to bloom soon! I love this plant!
Mid Spring 2016

Hello Michaela 👋 Thank you for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏

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The one in the middle is a jade plant
@alovealoe any #advice for my poorly looking succulent? The lower leaves are shriveling. I don't think I overly water it. I set an ice cube on the corner every 2 weeks. What should I do?
First, stop watering with ice cubes. Second, how much sun does it get? The soil appears very organic. Correct me if I'm wrong. My thinking is the never dries out completely and it's not getting enough sun.
*the soil never dries out
I will move it to a sunnier spot and see what happens! Should I remove the limp leaves or just leave them? Thanks for the help!
Well, boo! I have well and truly killed it off. The other succulents are doing OK. I think I had trouble with this kind before too.