Early Spring 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 2
Late Summer 2019
- 10
Late Summer 2019
- 2
Mid Summer 2019
- 8

Abelmoschus esculentus
Early Spring 2020
Early Spring 2020

The burpee baby bubba hybrids have sprouted!
Late Summer 2019

😊 what a beauty. I'll probably pickle them
Late Summer 2019

Good afternoon everyone. I hope everyone was safe during and after the hurricane. #newflower

#okra has such a beautiful flower.
Late Summer 2019

Its opened all the way now it's very beautiful 😍😍

Simply beautiful 😍

I love their flowers.

I do too 😍 it's the closest I'll ever get to owning a type of hibiscus flower @laketitlow

Have you tried hardy hibiscus? I planted 7 of them. Only two died from the polar vortex.

@laketitlow miss Annette I'm never able to find any hibiscus flowers anywhere, plus I like to start from seeds also which doubled how hard it is for me to find any.

If I get any seeds from mine I can mail them to you.

Omg!!!!! @laketitlow miss Annette that would be wonderful thank you so much 😊😊

I will look for seeds. I can not remember if I had any last year. Actually I never looked for seeds last fall. The colors I have are red, light pink, pink, dark pink.

Miss Annette @laketitlow I'm not picky lol I'm just grateful that you are sharing your hibiscus seeds with me
Late Summer 2019

I guess this is as close as imma get to owning a type of hibiscus 😂

I love the flowers.
Mid Summer 2019

Please help me idk what this is I went to my moms and she gave me this and said I left it there

I never had seeds for hollyhock? Idk

@cyndi it might be I'm not sure either cuz I dont really have seeds for anything like that

@cyndi on my other plant app called Growit they identified this as an okra plant and showed me photos of it looking just like mine. So thank you for helping me too

Yes maam I did @cyndi when I was moving out of my moms home, I was at my new place for about 3 weeks and I kinda had my plants at my moms still and eveything got mixed up. Some had died from where she forgot to water or watered some too much so I thought my okra was something that got lost. It's also my first ever growing okra so that's also how I didn't know either.

@cyndi the only seeds I got ahold of before I starting buying my own was when my mom wnet grocery shopping and I would take cutting or seeds from her scraps when I was cleaning up after supper.

@cyndi that's usually how I would do it, I would take seeds from things and plant and wait and especially with brocolli cuttings, I would sit the stem and only a stem cutting in water fully submerged until leaves formed then I would plant the whole thing in soil. The smell was horrendous but it worked.

Thank you @cyndi it means alot 😊