Mid Autumn 2024
Late Spring 2019

I took this photo this morning and I remember that the flowers don't last long. Later on when I looked one had already fallen. The buds on this huge Cistus are amazing. I just hope I get more flowers in bloom in one go; that would be nice 😊😊❤❤

You have the same 2 rock roses as me. Mine are just starting to flower now too 👍

@jeatacake 😊😊I can't believe the size this white one is. When I bought it I think 2 years ago, from good old Mozzers it was a very small £2 plant! When I look at it now it's incredible 😃I've got 2 pink ones side by side in the small patch of garden and those have much smaller flowers than the white. They're completely different too in that, the petals look less papery to look at. They're wonderful shrubs ❤❤

They are fabulous shrubs, especially when full if flowers, as they soon will be. Yes, they grow very fast too. My white one is now smothering everything within its reach!

@jeatacake It's funny you should say that Jeff. I-ve got a poor Holly Hock hidden between the triffid like Phorium, a Skimmia and then there's the mighty Rock Rose. I need to rescue the Hock today otherwise it's wasted and I wouldn't want to miss it flowering 😊😊

All being well, the hollyhock will throw up its tall flower stalk through the competitors. The flower shoot usually reachs a height of at least 5 foot if it's a mature one. That should certainly push it well above the rock rose 🤞

@jeatacake It was planted last year and didn't flower so I'm hoping this year it will. I'm busy in the garden weeding and sharpening the borders. I've got a Salvia to plant too. Last time I went to good old Mozzers I got the Salvia and a healthy Coreopsis for £3!! Amazing 😊😊I've made extra planting space as I've deepened the left border. My greenhouse is full with trays of seeds; so now I-m going to put to use some plant pots I've saved for ages now!😊

It should flower this year. I've almost run out of space, but at least I can relieve the overcrowding in the greenhouse now there should 🤞 be no more frost.
This is the second late flower I've ever known on this 🧡🧡🧡🧡
Oh wow 😮
@juliesgarden I was surprised too 🧡🧡