- Late Summer 2019
- 21
- 1
- Late Summer 2019
- 13
- 1
- Mid Summer 2019
- 25
- 5
Malva Sylvestris 'Zebrina' syn. Alcea rosea 'Zebrina'
- Late Summer 2019
- 21
- Late Summer 2019
- 13
- Mid Summer 2019
- 25
Look what I found under the huge Phorium; that thing is really taking over. Is it ok to cut them back anyone? I have cut one or two leaves off already. It's growing all the time 💕💕
I think you’ll find it’s hard to kill so it’s safe to cut it back😂
@joanboston Oh I don't want to kill it. It looks great but a hair cut it is next time I'm out there 😊😊
We had two for years and regularly trimmed them back. Just came back the next year Christine
@joanboston Doh! You've just reminded me I meant to get a decent pair of scissor/cutter thing for it!😮
A couple new flowers in bloom on this one. I don't know if these are hardy but I'd certainly grow them again #malva 😊😊💕💕