Early Winter 2020
- 20
Mid Autumn 2019
- 6
Early Autumn 2019
- 6
Late Summer 2019
- 5
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 6
Mid Summer 2019
- 3
Mid Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 2
Early Summer 2019
- 7
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 22
Early Autumn 2018
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 10

Early Winter 2020
Mid Autumn 2019

Pinkie with a lesser pink one 😊😊💕💕

Lovely shades of pink Chris...💗

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom Thank you but have you seen the GT's post with the pink rose? Think it's Rachel Brooks. Super pink one too 💕💕

So subtle 💓

Beautiful 💖

Early Autumn 2019

Pinkie is turning white 😊😊💕💕

Pinkie is a beauty 💕💕💕

@anges Thank you Ange. Have a great weekend 😊😊

Thanks Christine, you too 😊

Gorgeous rose 😍

@karolk Thank you very much 😊😊
Late Summer 2019

I'm so pleased to see this lovely rose in bloom again; and more in bud to follow. I love this rose 😊😊💕💕


So beautiful 😃💕

@sharonhayden @sho47 Thank you so much girls 😊😊💕💕
Late Summer 2019

This looks so pretty opened I've never seen this happen on this bush before 😊😊💕💕
Mid Summer 2019

Todays Rose pic from me; I'm amazed how well this is blooming this year. I-ve never had as many roses out on this one before. It must be all the sun we're having 😊😊💕💕

That really is stunning Christine 🌸🌸🌸

So beautiful 💕💕💕💕

Beautiful 💕💕💕

@anges @harebell @gardengirlla @christineb Thank you girls. Much appreciated 😊😊💕💕

Absolutely stunning....that pink 💗
Mid Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2019

Such a super display from this Rose 😊😊💕💕

@midnightgardener stunning Christine..👍🏻💚🙂

@lostgardener 😊😊Thank you Mark

Very healthy looking! 👌
Mid Summer 2019

Early Summer 2019

It's pink this time!! In fact I-ve got two pink instead of the more white/hint of pink 😊😊💕💕loads more buds on this to come out too!!💕💕

@gardengirlla Thank you Maggie 😊😊💕💕
Early Summer 2019

For some strange reason the colour of this Rose last year was pink. This year it's off white or very pale pink 😊😊💕💕

Beautiful anyway

Lovely rose. I have a lot of that ‘paler’ thing going on Christine! Strange!

I planted a red tea rose and it turned into a large creamy yellow one the following year

@christineb Isn't that odd. From red to creamy yellow

It’s Gorgeous whatever the colour Chris @midnightgardener 😍😘

Lovely 😍
Late Spring 2019

It's still looks pretty and although it's changed somewhat; it's stood up to all this bad June weather #rose #hardyrose 😊😊💕💕
Late Spring 2019

I'm so happy to see this delicate and pretty Rose in bloom! Mind you I'm always happy to see everything in my garden bloom; unless it's a weed!😈Have a super Sunday friends 😊😊💕💕

Lovely 🌸

Beautiful 💕

😊😊Thank you so much Marylin 💕💕

@jeatacake 😊😊Ta very much chuck!💕

Don't thee mention it flower 🌸

@jeatacake 😃Have a great Sunday Jeff!

Thank you very glad! 😁 You too my dear old thing 👌

It’s a very pretty one Christine...

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 😊😊Thank you Elaine. Lots more Roses to flower yet 💕💕

@jeatacake Less of the old Honky Tonks!😃
Early Autumn 2018

I'm so pleased to see this pretty one flower again ☺☺💕💕

I bet it's so pretty, love the delicate colour 😍

Oh that's so pretty ☺️💕💕💕

So pretty 💖💖
Mid Summer 2018

This is flowering so nicely this year. If only my poor Agapathus was doing as well but, hey I've got a lovely abundance of foliage!!😃💕💕💕💕

Beautiful rose.

Pink perfection 🌿💕🌿💕🌿

@plants Thank you 😊😊you're very kind 💕

Have you got your Agapanthus in pots Christine? They like to have their roots constricted. Also, if they were new this year they most likely won’t flower until next year at the earliest 💙💙

@pelly Ah no, thank you very much for your help as always. So should I pot it up now? Yes that's what I was thinking next year will be it. It can go in the greenhouse over winter as well. In future I should check whether plants should be potted or in the garden. I usually read the instructions. Strange thing is. With my Carmelia it flowered beautifully in a pot. Then I read that it should go in the garden! It didn't flower so well there I found 😕

You are welcome Christine. They can go in the garden, but they need other plants round them to constrict the roots. I didn’t overwinter mine in the greenhouse they were left outside but I think this depends on the variety, some are hardier than others. As for the Camellia, there are a lot of people on here that grow them in pots, but only for so long then they get too big. I have a dwarf one that will be perfectly happy in a pot. Good luck 😍😂

@pelly I've potted the Aggie 😊😊I'm happy about that now thanks to you Jane. The roots were thick and strong looking. Hopefully next year it may flourish. The plant seems

@pelly The plant seems to have multiplied too! I'm sure when I bought it, it was.just the one 😊😊

Hopefully it will thrive now and you can look forward to seeing it in flower next year Christine 😍🤞🤞
I can hardly wait to see my lovely white Roses in bloom again 😊😊Roses make me happy, and Salvias of course ♥️♥️#whiterose
It’s a beauty Christine 🤍🤍🤍
She's beautiful! 😍
@pelly @juliesgarden @anges Thank you girls. I was really lucky today 😊😊I went to Garforth GC with a friend and chose a Rose called "my lovely dad' and a Salvia 'Pink Lips' a very kind member of staff at the other till to where I was came.over and gave me two 50% off receipts. How very kind of her. So I got the Rose and the Savia for £10 instead of £20 🥂♥️♥️
Fantastic! I love a surprise bargain like that! 👏😀💖
@anges I was so grateful. I wonder if she remembers my face though as we've been going there quite a lot 😊😊
Yes maybe so, still kind of her and a nice treat for you 😍
@anges Yes very kind indeed. Some of the staff at GC's are very nice but that was customer service at its best I'd say. 💕💕
Yes, lovely of her 👍
Aww that’s great Christine 👍🏻😍
@anges @juliesgarden I just looked to see if they had the same Rose on Amazon. Their price is a whopping £24.99 plus delivery 😳Had I paid full price today it would have cost £10. Bad pricing on Amazon for this Rose.