Late Autumn 2020
- 4
Mid Autumn 2020
- 21
Mid Autumn 2020
- 6
Early Autumn 2020
- 8
Early Autumn 2020
- 2
Early Autumn 2020
- 8
Late Summer 2020
- 2
Late Spring 2020
- 8
Early Autumn 2019
- 7
Early Autumn 2019
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 4

Salvia 'Hot Lips' syn. Salvia x jamensis 'Hot Lips', Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips'
Late Autumn 2020
Mid Autumn 2020

This is one amazing plant. She's spread out and up like crazy this year. Still flowering away in chilly November 😁♥️♥️

Lots of colour on that 😍, mine's still going too!

@lilybee They really are great plants aren't they ♥️♥️

It's doing well, my Cambridge blue one is too ❤💙

It sure is Chris...

So's mine! They're fab plants! 👄👄👄

Very nice. I love that one. 😍

Still perfect. ❤️❤️🤍

@pelly That's great. I love the sound of yours, blue! What can be better than blue 💙💙

@hkyfvr Thank you Diane. It really is ♥️♥️

@philstalder Thank you Phil. Sounds like Mr Biden's won ♥️💙

Always welcome. Getting these for sure. ❤️🤍
Mid Autumn 2020

This horrid wet weather 😓😓Memories of those lovely hot summer days seem so far away now. The prospect of winter fills me with dread, but Henry has sat on my lap to.comfort me. Lovely boy 😸🧡🧡

Me too. But I'm determined to get out for a walk once a week no matter the weather.

@charlotte You're brave but, right too. Staying in isn't good, fresh air is best 🥂

I'm the same Chris I hate this time of year the thoughts of the winter coming ☹️

@alan1111 Hopefully next year will be better. That's all we can hope for 🤞🤞

@alan1111 I feel for you, and others like you who've lost loved ones. It's been a sad year for you this year 😓
Early Autumn 2020

One of my most favourite plants. Amazing that she's still flowering in October ♥️♥️

She's doing well 💋💋💋

@pelly She sure is Jane, I'll take note how far she can flower until ♥️♥️

Looking great! 😍 the amethyst lips I have is still flowering too but nowhere near like this ❤️🤍

Love this. Must get one next year. So pretty. ❤️❤️

@hkyfvr You must get one Diane, they really are fabulous plants ♥️♥️

@kez001uk I think I must've had this two years or more. It looks really good from the house, I can see it without opening the doors. It's spread out. The best flowering plant I've got. Thank you so much for the Apricot Lemonade seeds. What a nice surprise 😁♥️♥️

@midnightgardener that’s some size for a couple of years! I’m new to salvias really but they seem like a great addition to any garden! And they smell good too 😋 you’re welcome for the seeds 😁
Early Autumn 2020

Lots of flowers on this one, and she's turning quite white ♥️♥️🌼🌼 💋💋

#salvia #lipstick
Early Autumn 2020

Still looking really good, full of colour in September 💋💋

They're fabulous aren't they 💕

Love it!! 💋

@suzieshadow1227gmailcom 💋♥️♥️

@lilybee They sure are Sue. I love my Salvia's as you know 💋♥️♥️

Going to have them in my garden for sure next year. So pretty ❤️🍁

@hkyfvr You wouldn't regret it Diane. They're fabulous plants and long flowering too 😁♥️♥️

Thanks. On my list now ❤️
Late Summer 2020

Surely I must have two Hot Lips here, it's huge ♥️♥️

Probably only one, my mum's was enormous 💋💋💋
Late Spring 2020

Salvia heaven ♥️♥️

Beautiful display ❤️🤍❤️

Gorgeous! 💖

Love hot lips 👄❤️Christine

❤️❤️❤️❤️ hope my salvias get as big as these Christine

@Mandsboo I've had these a couple of years or more. I add the odd one here and there. ♥️♥️

@debsgarden99 Ooh me too. I need some in other areas of my garden for sure ♥️♥️

@kez001uk @suzieshadow1227gmailcom Thank you girls. Very kind of you ♥️♥️
Early Autumn 2019

The rest of my Hot Lips is white but as you can see this one is super bright red! It's part of the same plant as the now, white one - I checked. A few surprises in my garden recently 😊😊💋💋❤❤

Mine does that too 🙄🙄

@pelly First time I've noticed it. It stands taller and prouder than the rest of the plant. That's why I checked it was one and the same 😊😊

I’ve taken cuttings of hot lips from my nieces garden. Can’t believe how quickly they rooted and how much they have grown. Having to nip off new flowers!

@joanboston Incredible. As they're quite woody do they not need rooting powder? I really need to take some cuttings 😊😊

I used softer side shoots and never use rooting powder Christine

@joanboston Noted, thank you very much Joan 😊😊
Early Autumn 2019

Still in flower after months! Salvias are worth their weight in gold. I love them 😊😊💋💋❤❤

Totally agree, mine's been in flower since May. 😍
Mid Summer 2018

Pucker up folks it's those hot lips!! 😃💄💄

I've got hot lips too!

@kamaki They're wonderful aren't they Andreas 😊😊I can't get enough Salvias!!

@midnightgardener... That's right Michelle.. They are very pretty.. Never too much!
This is reliably still in flower. You just can't go wrong with #hotlips 💋♥️♥️photo taken today 😜
Haha, gorgeous flowers
I’ve recently got one of these - yours is big- does it grow fast?
@sharonhayden I can't really answer that. I know I planted it as I planted everything here, but I don't remember when I planted it. At a guess, two to three years ago 💕💕🌼