Euphorbia trigona rubra
African milk tree
Mid Summer 2021
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Early Autumn 2020
- 3
Late Summer 2020
- 4
Mid Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Winter 2019
- 3

Euphorbia trigona rubra
Mid Summer 2021
Early Autumn 2020

Great looking collection !! 😍

Thanks, @sherrisgarden! 🙂

Very welcome 😀
Late Summer 2020

Rubra seems happy in her non-porous pot and is approximately 1'3" tall. Swipe to see how much growth has occured. (Muted sunlight courtesy of ash from dozens of wildfires. So much light is blocked; I didn't need to water today.) 20Aug2020 #Euphorbia

I have been trying to identify a succulent I just recently purchased. It looks exactly like the one you have in the lower left corner of picture. Do you happen to know the name??

@taylocas That's a species of Aloe that I have yet to identify. (BTW, I checked out your wall and a bunch of the pics of your unidentified plants aren't showing.)

@misternatureboy thanks for the heads up 😬. Thats weird they show up on my end. Ill message support or repost! As for the aloe type plant, I was thinking maybe a Haworthia Zebra plant? Best guess from doing some serious extensive research (Google lol).
Mid Summer 2019

Despite the growth I've observed with most of my #succulents, this #EuphorbiaTrigonaRubra seems to be in a state of suspended animation. I had planted it in a non-porous pot but moved it to a terra cotta one after it exhibited signs of displeasure (i.e., discoloration and dropped leaves). Although it isn't mushy, it doesn't seem to be growing. I'm hoping that it'll show more obvious signs of life before fall. #succulent #succulentsunday #AfricanMilkTree #CandelabraCactus #RoyalRed 21July2019

I have found that mine grow in spurts. I wonder if they are doing their growth in roots at this time. 🤔 She is pretty!

Thank you, @lovestogarden. I inspected her closely today and noticed that her crown had new, little leaves. 😍

I bought a teeny tiny one and all her leaves came off. It hasnt grown at all I dont think and shes in suspended animation as u said. Maybe it's just their thing im glad to know someone else is experiencing this tho. I hope mine at least gets new leaves
Mid Winter 2019

I've applied for work at a bunch of plant nurseries and have a good feeling about the one I interviewed at today. Before I left, I bought this weirdo. Repotted it before I took its portrait. #EuphorbiaTrigonaRubra #AfricanMilkTree #CandelabraCactus 11Feb2019

Good Luck! Hope you get the job!

Thanks, Donna!
My, how tall you've gotten! (Swipe left for progress.) 17Aug2021